Saturday, August 29, 2015

Monsters Too Scary for Words

Monsters Too Scary For Words: Collective Amnesia in the USA

by Robert St. Estephe, September 7, 2015; edited Feb. 26, 2017


~ “Randomly stabbing the body of a dying human brought me pleasure comparable to sexual pleasure.” – Elena Lobacheva: Serial Killer ( Moscow, Russia, 2015) [1]

~ “I killed them all: men, women and babies, and I hugged the babies to my breast. But I am not guilty of murder.” – Clementine Bernebet: Serial Killer (Lafayette, Louisiana, 1912) [2]



I have a concern I would like to share – about fear: the fear of monsters.

Some people are fascinated by monsters; they think about them all the time. Some people are professional monster chasers and monster researchers: like law enforcement people, criminologists and the forensic psychologists. These are the people I want to talk about: the experts.

My discussion focuses on a specialized topic, monsters – those of the “serial killer” variety – yet my real subject, as you will see, is the broad topic of human aggression and violence and how our understanding of it is undermined by deceptive manipulation of data and through gate-keeping – in other words, through systematic sabotage prompted by ideological agendas.

It is aggression initiated by women that is the topic targeted by so much organized misinformation. This article examines the hows and whys of the corruption of social science inquiry and calls for necessary large-scale and fundamental reform.

This is a long article, but is lengthy for good reason. The problem it addresses is enormously important and is large in scale, and the misunderstandings it has created are not well recognized. In this article, a great deal of unfamiliar information is offered that can go far in drawing attention to a scandalously unacceptable state of affairs in the field of criminology.


1. Silence of the Experts

In the Summer of 2008 a major international conference on serial murder took place in San Antonio, Texas, sponsored by the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. The conference was designed to be a comprehensive treatment of the topic of serial murder, as the official FBI report, published following the event, shows:

“A total of 135 subject matter experts attended the five-day event. These individuals included law enforcement officials who have successfully investigated and apprehended serial killers; mental health, academic, and other experts who have studied serial killers and shared their expertise through education and publication; officers of the court, who have judged, prosecuted, and defended serial killers; and members of the media, who inform and educate the public when serial killers strike. The attendees also reflected the international nature of the serial murder problem, as there were attendees from ten different countries on five continents.” [3]

135 experts from 10 countries – very thorough, very impressive.

The 14,000-word official report, Serial Murder: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigations," has quite a lot to say about the phenomenon of serial murder and about serial killers. The text sets out to dispel quite a few myths about serial killers and aims to improve professional response to this type of crime. The report's introduction tells us that “the symposium’s focus was on obtaining a consensus of participants’ views on the causes, motivations, and characteristics of serial murderers, so as to enable the criminal justice system to improve its response in identifying, investigating, and adjudicating these cases.” 

The FBI's big Serial Murder report was, however, almost completely silent about the female of the species. In the section titled “Motivations and Types of Serial Murder,” in which the question of financial gain is addressed, mentions, as an entry in a list of various types of cases involving financial gain, “black widows.” This is the whole of the discussion of the female serial killer.

Elsewhere in the report, in a myth-debunking section under the heading “Myth: Serial killers are all white males,” this is the rebuttal: Contrary to popular belief, serial killers span all racial groups. There are white, African-American, Hispanic, and Asian serial killers. The racial diversification of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population.” The myth that serial killers are always "white males" and even that they are almost always "white males" in the US is widespread and is still sometimes repeated.

The text offers five examples of non-white males to make its point. The racial aspect of the stereotype is dealt with directly yet the gender aspect is ignored completely.

This lapse is notable not merely because the report asserts that a myth about serial killers is to be debunked, yet fails to tackle half of the equation, but also because the FBI has a “history” with respect to this myth (the “male” half of it).

Thirteen years before this 2008 conference, Roy Hazelwood, a prominent retired FBI agent, had made the bold claim in another professional conference in Alberta, Canada (its topic, Homicide) – that: “There are no female serial killers.” [4]

This is a startling claim.

The US Department of Justice, parent agency of the FBI, has recently been a bit more generous in acknowledging that some women indeed have been known, from time to time at least, to engage in habitual homicide. The author of a 2011 academic study on female serial killers, Amanda L. Farrell, titled Lethal Ladies,” an effort to understand what they term an “elusive population to study” due to “the scant information published about these rare offenders.” In preparation for their examination of the phenomenon they consulted US Justice department data which, the “Lethal Ladies” authors tell us “indicated 36 female serial killers have been active over the course of the last century.” [5]

But the number 36 is not even remotely accurate. What do other prominent sources have to say?

Various estimates of the share of female perpetrators among serial killers have appeared over the past two decades ranging from 6% to 20%. Wikipedia offers an accurate picture of current thinking on the subject: 

“Female serial killers are rare compared to their male counterparts. Some sources suggest that female serial killers represented less than one in every six known serial murderers in the U.S. between 1800 and 2004 (64 females from a total of 416 known offenders), or that around 15% of U.S. serial killers have been women …” [6]

The figures Wikipedia cites are based on the research of Eric W. Hickey, author of Serial Murders and Their Victims, a standard professional reference book on the subject. [7]

With such small number of this specific type of criminal it should not seem so consequential that the experts gathered together by the FBI in 2008 conference would give female serial killers almost no attention at all. But what if the consensus on the female type’s “rarity” is incorrect?

2. The "Unofficial" Research

The number “64” (representing US female serial killers, 1800-2004) has come to take on a canonical quality and is being used as the foundation of statistical analysis used by others. Thus, in 2015, Professor Marissa Harrison based her own ambitious study of the nature of female serial killers on the established list of 64 cases. Harrison took this canonical corpus and rigorously analyzed them in order to make some general conclusions. [8]

There is a problem with scholars relying on the standard data on the historical incidence of this type of crime handed down to them – and it is a very big and consequential problem.

It would seem that, without exception, professional scholars who have studied the subject of female serial killers have for decades been assuming that the cases found in standard reference books are the product of thorough historical research. This assumption is unjustified.

Specialized interest in the distinct criminological category “serial killing” (or “serial murder”) is of fairly recent origin. The strong interest and attention dates from the 1970s. [9]

Before that time there was no criminologist, no researcher, who focused on this narrowly defined type of criminal behavior. Never has there been any organized professional effort to identify and collect these historical cases in a systematic manner. 

Another factor has muddied the waters, interfering with discovering facts and details on female perpetrated serial homicide. Since the 1970s, when interest in the topic of serial murder came to the fore many lively scholarly debates have occurred challenging the very definition of “serial killer,” one scholar invoking one set of criteria, and another scholar invoking a different one altogether. This state of affairs does not lend itself to the systematic collation (which is a painstaking processes) of a usable list of “known” cases.

Yet there is an “unofficial” collation of historical cases in progress – going on outside the professional scholarly institutions. The advent of the internet and the subsequent and rapid proliferation of enormous databases of searchable newspapers of the past has changed everything. It has become possible – albeit with a great deal of effort and the use of specialized language skills – to tease out forgotten cases of serial killers from the historical record.

My own research in searching old newspapers has focused, among a wide range of different topics, on the topic female serial killers. The results have been stunning. Hundreds and hundreds of “unknown” cases in the hundreds have turned up – from more than 40 countries, These rediscovered old cases reveal types of behavior that are generally thought to be absent from the female serial killer profile: cannibalism, ritual killing, sexual sadism, and extreme sadistic torture. [10]

The most surprising fact resulting from this delving into newspaper archives – a fact which, if you think about it deeply, should not be in the least surprising – is that prior to the era when serial killers became a household term (the 1970s to the present) it was common knowledge for at least a century-and-a-half the idea that female serial killers were a fairly common type of criminal, and that that these “wholesale murderesses,” these "Borgias," these “female Bluebeards” were very dangerous characters indeed.

Two classic examples that illustrate this point are articles dating, respectively, from the years 1873 and 1925.

A newspaper article headlined “Another Female Poisoner,” published Jun. 10, 1873, discusses the latest female serial murderess case, that of Sarah Earhardt, of Germantown, Ohio, and besides offering details of the new scandal, it mentions three other cases from the past few years (one from England), the earliest of which was Martha Grinder of Philadelphia, executed for her crimes in 1869.[11]

Had the reporter written about all the US female serial killers (not those who used poison) from 1869 up to the 1873 Earhardt arrest the article would have discussed thirteen cases.

Jump forward a half century. A widely syndicated article published in May 1925, titled “Three Women Who Admit Poisoning 29 Persons,” discusses three concurrent US cases of female serial killers: Anna Cunningham (Indiana), Martha Wise (Ohio) and Della Sorenson (Nebraska). [12]

Among the three, Della Sorenson’s is of particular note. Her confession, with its blunt disclosures of the workings of a sociopath’s mind, deserves to be treated as textbook material. Della explained to the police that –

“Every time I gave poison to one of Mrs. Cooper’s children, I said to myself, “Now I’m going to get even with you (Mrs. Cooper) for what you have said about me.” “I had feelings which would steal over me at times forcing me to destroy and kill. I felt funny and happy. I like to attend funerals.”

Ever since the beginning in the 1830s of the wide proliferation of cheap newspapers in the United States, news stories female serial killers – both domestic and foreign – have featured frequently in newspapers. The notion that “female serial killers are rare” (in relative terms) is a purely modern concoction. It is a notion that would not have been held by anybody in the past century and a half. [13]

The idea that women with a “mania for murder” (as they used to say) supremely scarce – in relation to the opposite sex – only came to “make sense” after the use of the term  “serial killer” gained currency: primarily as a result of the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit’s efforts.

So you see: the reality is that the entire field of criminology is suffering from amnesia – at least when it comes to the subject of female serial killers, and, importantly, by extension, with respect to the entire general subject of aggression and violence by women.

Why has this occurred?

This is a crucial question for those who are trying to understand violent criminals – and we need an answer.

3. Feminism, Chivalry and Silence

A. Feminism 

The mass-forgetting (about the subject at hand: female serial killers) did not come about on its own. A large part of the problem (but not all of it) is the product of  feminist ideology: the “gender theory” type of intellectual feminism, a Marxism-influenced dogmatism that sees the world in class warfare terms, group against group, which has been aggressively foisted upon all public institutions over the past half century.

A breakdown in the dissemination of factual knowledge, and of critical thinking within educational system has ensued. Conformism to a collectivist ideology, has been achieved through peer pressure-instigated demand for spineless conformity. The result: complacency, “going along with the program,” dependence on and uncritical adoption of rote-learned models, paradigms and patterns, obsessive concern about having “offensive” thoughts – taking over the educational process. Thus is makes sense that a mass-forgetting is undermining scholarly inquiry, including the one that is the subject of this article.

Actually, there’s a whole book that goes about explaining this phenomenon, specifically as it applies to the study of violence by women. The author, Patricia Pearson, in her 1997 book, When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence, calls the phenomenon we have been discussing “collective amnesia.” [14] The term appears in her discussion of the weird phenomenon of culture’s long-term remembering of male serial killers (Jack the Ripper) while forgetting the females (and not because of their having been less vicious). Pearson observes –

“Our collective amnesia about female serial killers was so pronounced that when Aileen Wuornos was arrested in 1992 and charged with the shooting deaths of seven men along I-75, she was immediately proclaimed America’s first serial killer.” 

Pearson’s observation is an important one and the term, “collective amnesia,” she uses to describe it is perfect.

In 2002 Wuornos was executed for her crimes. Not only was she not “America’s first” (being more like the 275th known American Female serial killer), but she not not the first to be executed. She was, according to my research, the thirteenth (since the year 1816) to be put to death in this country. [15]

Just what is behind this bizarre collective amnesia? Looking farther afield, beyond the formal study of the crime of murder – into the world of academic study of Domestic Violence (sometimes labeled as “PV,” Partner Violence, or, “ IPV,” Intimate Partner Violence) – we get a glimpse of whence the problem has arisen.

In 2007, just a year before the FBI-sponsored international Serial Murder conference, sociologist

“The seven methods described above have created a climate of fear that has inhibited research and publication on gender symmetry in PV [Partner Violence] and largely explain why an ideology and treatment modality has persisted for 30 years, despite hundreds of studies which provide evidence on the multiplicity of risk factors for PV, of which patriarchy is only one.”

Here is the list of the very effective methods of sabotage Staus elaborated:

Method 1. Suppress Evidence
Method 2. Avoid Obtaining Data Inconsistent with the Patriarchal Dominance Theory
Method 3. Cite Only Studies That Show Male Perpetration
Method 4. Conclude That Results Support Feminist Beliefs When They Do Not
Method 5. Create “Evidence” by Citation
Method 6. Obstruct Publication of Articles and Obstruct Funding Research That Might Contradict the Idea that Male Dominance Is the Cause of PV
Method 7. Harass, Threaten, and Penalize Researchers Who Produce Evidence That Contradicts Feminist Beliefs

Dr. Straus, as he describes the failures of practicing social workers to successfully deal with partner violence, shows that the failure has been due to the clinical practitioners having been operating on false information.

Orthodox feminist dogma (founded on Marxist class warfare ideas) requires a belief in the false notion that all violence perpetuated by women in intimate relationships are are either acts of self-defense and retaliation for previous abuse. This is consistent with the doctrine of “patriarchal power” that underpins the ideology. Thinking outside the dogma box is heresy (the heresy of “hatred of women”). [17]

“Patriarchal control,” the central tenet of Marxist feminist ideology is the universal and  a priori explanation of all conflict between members of the opposite sex. Any scientific evidence that might contradict this dogma, thereby undermining the entire Marxist feminist position (and the jobs that depend on implementing that dogma), would be in jeopardy. Thus feminist academics, in concert, have – with perfect justification based on their faith in their dogma and their unflagging desire for “progress” – systematically sabotaged the scientific discourse, in order to get the conclusions that fit their politics.

Straus, recognizing this, set out to collect the data that would make the facts clear and set the record straight.

Four years following his 2007 expose on widespread academic subversion of truth, Straus published another article, “Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment.” This publication presents an exhaustive review of the objective scientific literature on PV, a huge body of work  which directly contradicts the “consensus” view (the orthodox politically correct view) on the subject. [18]

It is worth noting that Dr. Straus, just like journalist Patricia Pearson (author of When She Was Bad), describes himself as a “feminist.” My understanding of their use of the label is that both see themselves as professionals whose area of interest is the understanding and welfare of women. They use “feminist” to describe an attitude that has nothing to do with promotion of ideology, dogma, the pursuit of political power or the re-engineering of society to comport with a predetermined utopian vision.

The reason I discuss Straus’s findings is because his publications so successfully articulate a monumentally important problem, albeit within his own specialized field. Yet the fact is that virtually all aspects of academic study are now infected with this ideologically motivated, well-coordinated censorship and sabotage of objective inquiry. The corruption is not in the least restricted to the specific area of domestic violence.

B. Chivalry

It would be a fatal mistake to place all the blame on post-1960 political or ideological feminist dogmas and tactics, however. Chivalry – the instinctual tendency (with not just a cultural origin but with a biological one as well) for males to adopt a protective role over women – is what makes the tactics work, despite the presence of men (representatives of the “oppressor gender” in the mind of Marxism-influenced feminists).

Not terribly long before the period of rapid growth of feminist power in institutions that took place in the 1960s-1970s, a groundbreaking book challenging stereotypes about female criminality was published. The Criminality of Women, by sociologist Otto Pollak was published in 1950. [19] In his book he took a comprehensive approach, both “summarized previous work on women and crime” and then challeng[ing] basic assumptions concerning the extent and quality of women’s involvement in criminal behavior.” “Pollak is the first writer to insist that women’s participation in crime approaches that of men and is commensurate with their representation in the population,” as the 2002 Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice notes.[20]

In his writing Pollack pointed out chivalry as a major factor in distorting perception (among the general public as well as in the minds of professionals) of the true extent of female criminality. He examined the differences between female modes of aggression and male modes.

There should have been nothing controversial about this observation considering the high level of public awareness of “chivalry justice” – the tendency of males to treat female criminals much more leniently than the male. 

Indeed, all through the first half of the twentieth century we have copious quantities of articlulate testimony of knowledgeable professional women to attest to the reality of chivalry in the criminal justice system throughout the United States. Here are three notable voices dating from 1916 through 1922 who can attest to the facts: a lawyer, a US congresswoman and a State Supreme Court judge:

  Agnes McHugh – Chicago attorney – 1916: “A man jury will not convict a woman murderer in this county, if the prosecutor is a man. I think this leniency may be traced to the chivalry latent in every man. [21]
  Alice Robertson – U.S. House of Representatives (Oklahoma) – 1921: “Women who murder get off too easy. They’re not judged according to the same standards as men who murder, but you don’t hear the suffragists demanding equal rights for the men, do you? No the suffragists want equal rights for women with special privileges.” [22]

  Judge Florence E. Allen – First Criminal Court Judge, in 1922 elected to Ohio Supreme Court – 1922: “Men have always sat on juries and men instinctively shrink from holding women strictly accountable for their misdeeds. Now that women sit on juries I expect the percentage of convictions in cases of women to be greater. Women are more clever than men in arousing sympathy. I had one woman, a hardened criminal, stage a terrific fainting spell in my courtroom after the jury found her guilty. It took four men to carry her to jail. She continued having these spells, so long that I had to defer pronouncing sentence. Finally I sent her word that the longer she acted so, the longer she would be in jail. Within a few moments she sent up word that, she would be good and received her sentence meekly, with no trace of feeling.” [23]

Justice Florence Allen was speaking in 1922. She was airing well-known facts of the sort that were commonly discussed by a multitude of other prominent professionals throughout the first half of the twentieth century.

Thirty years on, when The Criminality of Women  was published, was stating the obvious when he wrote that  favoritism towards women in the criminal justice system as being due to “chivalry and the general protective attitude of man toward woman … [Men] hate to accuse women and thus indirectly to send them to their punishment, police officers dislike to arrest them, district attorneys to prosecute them, judges and juries to find them guilty, and so on.” (151)

Dr. Pollack was writing this in 1950; what is the state of chivalry today? In 2012 the answer was this:

“Chivalry appears to be alive and well.”

This is the conclusion from a large study made by researchers Steven F. Shatz and Naomi R. Shatz, authors of “Chivalry Is Not Dead: Murder, Gender, and the Death Penalty,” a study of 1,299 California’s first-degree murder cases, published in 2012 in the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice. [24]

When we take powerful ingrained old-fashioned male tendency to defer to the welfare of women – that sways the perceptions of males among law professionals just as it does the larger population – and combine it with aggressive pressure tactics of professional shaming, boycott, sabotage, censorship, false allegations and the threat of false allegations – plus the overt promulgation of an ideologically motivated “gender” narrative that is designed to hide evidence of aggression and violence initiated by females, wee see the reason for the bizarre collective amnesia that has taken hold.

Taking together what we learn from Straus’s epose that outlines the long-standing campaign of open sabotage and censorship of social science knowledge on the part of “gender” ideologues, plus an acknowledgment of everyday fundamental chivalry, plus the tendency of communities of bureaucrats to devolve into conformity and groupthink, we have an explanation for the existence of the collective amnesia concerning female serial killers (and, by extension, concerning female aggression and violence in general).

Expressed as a formula:

Sabotage (of data by ideologues)
Chivalry (on the part of male scholars and justice professionals)
Conformity (lack of intellectual curiosity, and opportunistic careerist self-censorship)
Silence (regarding the true realities of female aggression, including female serial killers and other acts of violence initiated by women).

The silence of the experts; the silence of the lambs.

4. Monsters, Scary Stories and Stories too Scary to Talk About

A. “Scary Fun”

Why we love Serial Killers, a 2014 book by criminologist Scott Bonn is devoted to the examination of  popular interest in serial killers. Observes Dr. Bonn:

“In many ways, serial killers are for adults what monster movies are for children — that is, scary fun! However, the pleasure an adult receives from watching serial killers can be difficult to admit, and may even trigger feelings of guilt. In fact, the research conducted for this book reveals that many people who are fascinated with serial killers refer to it as a guilty pleasure.” [25]

Bonn, however, relies on the same false historical foundation – with respect to the history of female serial killers – that everybody else does. In discussing public (and professional) responses to the Aileen Wuornos case, Bonn asserts that:

“Until Wuornos, the mass media almost always depicted a serial perpetrator as a deranged man due to the erroneous and paternalistic societal notion that women could not commit such crimes. Unlike the obscure and rarely discussed Black Widow killers throughout history, Wuornos became a modern-day celebrity monster and popular culture icon because she defied stereotypes and did not kill demurely as a woman ‘should.’”

Yet Bonn’s facts about the past are wrong. Dead wrong.

The reality is that until the 1960s-1970s period there was nothing “obscure” about Black Widow killers, nor is it even remotely true that they were “rarely discussed.” In the United States, from the 1869 Martha Grinder case onward Black Widow killers were not only widely discussed but they made the headlines just as sensationally (taking into account the more limited means of older media). In fact, in 1908, one of the earliest feature length films (around 20 minutes duration being “feature length” at this stage) a “true crime” film – comparable to today’s tabloid-style TV-reenactment series such as Investigation ID’s hit cable series Deadly Women – titled “Female Bluebeard” was made just weeks after the headline-grabbing Belle Gunness “murder farm” case involving dozens of murders of men lured by spouse-soliciting “personal ads” came to light. The film, which was seen across the continent, was a big hit. [26]

My own list of American Black Widows (who murdered at least two husbands or paramours) contains over a hundred. [27] My list of US female serial killers has well over 300 cases; in the period 1910-2010 during which, as noted above, the US Department of Justice claims there were 36 female serial killers, there are 247 – close to 7 times the number. [28] Talk about collective amnesia!

My hypothesis this this: despite the fact that a great number of people are fascinated with stories of serial killers, it is, for most people the result of a fascination with male monsters. The pleasure, the “scary fun” that Professor Bonn accurately identifies is not applicable, generally speaking, to the female of the species. (Wuornos is an exception, specifically because the media, under the influence of feminist Marxian theories, reinvented her as a heroine of “gender liberation,” fashioning a common thief and cold-blooded murderer into a feminist saint, a mythical super-heroine, a down-to-earth Wonder Woman, a Lesbian Robin Hood of the Resistance of Patriarchal Oppression.)

Further, it seems to me that the entertainment value of the scary thrill in a primitive manner, a response to a narrative scenario where the threat seems “normal” or, in a broad sense, predictable, exaggerated, perverted to be sure, yet nevertheless of a nature that seems to fit with a the logic of reasonable self-preservation instinct. Men are potentially dangerous, especially those who are strangers.

The prospect of the female serial killer as a type is less scary, if we want to fit it into the psychology of “why we love male serial killers.” Or, and this is my position, the female serial killer is really too scary. This archetype (female serial killer) presents a threat that people do not want to contemplate.

Serial Killer Culture is a documentary film directed by John Borowski and released in 2014 that, unlike the director’s three previous films, is “not about the murderers themselves, but the people fascinated by them: musicians, artists, collectors, dealers, the whole underground industry.” [29] No female serial killers have, apparently, attracted the interest of serial-killer-buff Borowski, however.

Borowski finds that the people who know serial killers (before they are identified as such) are oblivious and intentionally so. He notes that “after [a serial killer is] “apprehended, people come forward and say, yeah, they were a little odd, but they never think anything of it, because they don’t want to. And that’s the duality of a serial killer. You have no idea that they’re doing these awful things, and we don’t want to know.”

Yet, after they’re caught and paraded across the media, “we” do, indeed “want to know,” but only if they are confirmatory of the monster narrative we want to see recited – only if they are male.

We need never learn to “love” these female serial killers, but we need to take them seriously (all 880 of them, in my current count) and learn from them the lessons we have avoided learning, so that we can arrive to an honest and informed assessment of female aggression.

B. Scary Gate-Keepers 

When it comes to professionals who have an interest in serial murder, such as the “135 subject matter experts” who participated in the FBI’s mammoth-scale 2008 Serial Murder conference there is, it would seem, an overwhelming and multifaceted spirit of fear hovering in the air. This is a fear that shuts down discussion of half the population (according to my own estimation of the ratio of female to male serial killers, which is about 1:1, rather than 6:1) of the criminals claimed to be the topic on examination. 

Female serial killer stories lack the special quality that, for men, excites their deep-seated protective chivalry (both as instinct and custom). 

Real-life female serial killers, unlike the males, rarely leave corpses of their victims strewn about the landscape, alerting the public and investigators to a clear-cut crime of murder. Seldom is a female serial killer the subject of a hunt or chase and a clue-following hot pursuit. Under these conditions – the “classic” female serial killer profile – its hard for a detective to become a hero killer-catcher – a knight in shining armor, a savior who has saved lives by preventing likely future murders. Serial killer catchers want to bag a Hannibal Lechter, not an “Arsenic and Old Lace” character, even if she is just as vicious, just as perverse and just as prolific a murderer as Hannibal the Cannibal. 

Present-day crime scholars and law enforcement practitioners – the great share of them at least – seem to have accepted the unfounded claims made by ideology-driven activists who operate in the guise of social scientists (who have created a false narrative, skewed studies, and cooked statistics that were designed confirm their belief-system) and are satisfied to put aside critical thinking and dutifully adopt the wildly inaccurate standard literature.

The public has no idea what is going on in the hallowed halls of elite institutions such as Ivy League universities FBI’s famous Behavioral Analysis Unit. The public doesn’t know what big tough judges, prosecutors, forensic psychologists, Special Agents and professors know: that going against the grain of feminist orthodoxy is a career killer.

Sabotage + Chivalry + Conformity = Silence 

The formula rules. 

When it comes to the discussion of the realities of female serial killers – and all other aspects of the topic of violence by women and female aggression – is not only enforced silence and automatic self-censorship among academics and professionals, but society-wide collective amnesia – exactly as Patricia Person said. 

This amnesia (surrounding the spectre of the female monster) is the result of a fear that runs deeper (and quieter) than the fear of the sort monsters that gives people the pleasure of a scary thrill, the survival-instinct-based fear and that gives professionals a the prideful feeling of enforcing a moral valiantly protective imperative to hunt down those scary monsters that fit the accepted idea of what a monster ought to be.

This is why heading this article is an expression of “concern”: a concern about fear, a fear of confronting a truth that is forbidden, a fear of violating a strong taboo.

Feminist ideology: it rides roughshod over reason, over evidence and over scientific method; in its demand for conformity with dogma and its condemnation of reason and objective scientific method it has many of the characteristics of a superstition; in its institutional manifestations it has many of the characteristics of a cult.

This is a matter of serious concern.

C. Beyond the Fear, Beyond the Gate-Keepers

This article offers the opportunity to open up this discussion of this scary subject matter (violence by women) and to encourage the Department of Justice, the FBI, and all other crime professionals, to rise above their fear of the gate-keepers and begin to conscientiously reassess their personal beliefs and then to reassess the entire professional literature on crime and crime psychology in light of what we can now learn about female aggression – if only we would seriously commit do the necessary work.

“Are Women Always Less Aggressive Than Men?” is the title of a 1977 journal article by Ann Frodi and co-writers. Foedi declared, with honest accuracy, that “we really understand much about female violence we have only recently begun to pay careful attention to it. Of 314 scientific studies on human aggression published by 1974 only 8 percent addressed violence in women or girls.” [30]

Things have not improved since 1974; they have gotten worse.

The seven sabotage methods exposed in 2007 by Dr. Strauss have done severe damage (as intended) and have prevented a great deal of crucial research from being pursued in fields beyond Straus’s specialty, Partner Violence, and the efforts have effectively dumbed-down a good portion of professional criminology, while calcifying inaccurate false stereotypes into fixed dogmas and bogus scientific “givens” in order to fit into and to promulgate an ideological agenda.

The entire field of criminology, not to mention the study of female psychology with regard to physical aggression – relational aggression, and indirect aggression in all its forms including aggression by proxy and aggression through false accusation – needs a thorough audit, and a major overhaul.

Finally, on a more positive note we can report that an important step forward has been taken in a comprehensive overview of homicidal females published in 2010, by Frank S. Perri and Terrance G. Lichtenwald, “The Last Frontier: Myths & the Female Psychopathic Killer.” This report is a brave and welcome challenge to the political orthodoxy; it is a good start, yet there is a whole lot more that needs to be done to “clear the stables.” [31]

5. Eyes Wide Open

Let me share with you the latest female serial killer case to come to our attention:

On August 11, 2015, Brittany Pilkington, 23-year-old mother of four children (three deceased) confessed to murdering – over a period of several years – her three sons by placing blankets over their heads to suffocate them. Her explanation of motive was unusual. She claimed her husband Joseph Pilkington (43), a worker in the Marysville Honda factory, paid more attention to the boys than he did to their daughter. According to Logan County prosecutor William Goslee, “in her mind, she was protecting her daughter from being not as loved as the boys were by their father,” as the Columbus Dispatch reported. [32]

A few months earlier, in Russia, Elena Lobacheva made the chilling statement in the quote that heads this article: “Randomly stabbing the body of a dying human brought me pleasure comparable to sexual pleasure.” She, along with her boyfriend, had murdered twelve men on the streets of Moscow, viciously mutilating their bodies and photographing them “with their stomachs cut open.”

In 1912 Clementine Bernebet, boasted in the courtroom – “I killed them all: men, women and babies, and I hugged the babies to my breast. But I am not guilty of murder”

Miss Bernebet was a 17-year old self-described Priestess of a cult variously called the “God Sacrifice Church” and the “Flame of God Church” in Lafayette, Louisiana. She led a team of serial killers who roamed about the region engaging in ritualistic human sacrifices targeting innocent families (always entire families!), dismembering the victims in accord with a Voodoo-like superstition. Clementine Bernebet’s case is among the many hundreds of female serial killer cases that have been (conveniently) “forgotten” by scholars of criminal behavior in the haze of the collective amnesia that for the past half-century has infected their profession and the whole of society as well.

Here is a photo of a surviving victim of a once well-known serial killer case, the “Munhall Insurance Ring” in Pennsylvania, which became public in 1932. This ought to be regarded as a particularly memorable photograph, an image you might find in a criminology textbook. [33]

Yet it is forgotten.

Stella Chalfa, the surviving victim who is pictured, and the three women who – before their homicide careers were put to a stop – managed to murder four children and one adult, with another one (besides Stella) in the planning stage, is erased from memory.

In the professional circles, such as the US Department of Justice and the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit, the three female Munhall serial killers are not even so much as a footnote. Collective amnesia has wiped away Stella’s memory from the official record by – just like the facts surrounding thousands of other victims of female serial killers.

Stella deserves better treatment from the arbiters of public opinion and the guardians of our safety – and so do I, and so do you.

C’mon, people – c’mon Special Agents; c’mon professors … don’t be scared.

#  #  #

The photo in the title graphic shows Russian serial killer Tamara Samsonova, arrested July 27, 2015, peeking out from the police holding cell in St. Petersburg, Russia on the day of her arrest. She is thought to have murdered eleven or more persons, dismembering their corpses and perhaps cannibalizing portions. Quote: “I came home and put the whole pack of Phenazepamum - 50 pills - into her Olivier salad. She liked it very much. I woke up after 2 am and she was lying on the floor. So I started cutting her to pieces.”



[1] Lobacheva was arrested Feb. 15, 2015; “Elena Lobacheva, Sexual Sadist Serial Killer – Russia 2015,” Unknown History of Misandry. Robert St. Estephe.
[2] Source of quote: “Seventeen Murders Were Confessed To – By Clemintine Barnabet, Of The “Sacrifice Sect,” The Fort Wayne News (In.), Oct. 25, 1912, p. 17; “Clemintine”: incorrect spelling of Clementine in original]; “Clementine Barnabet, Louisiana Serial Killer & Voodoo Priestess – 1911,” Unknown History of Miusandry. Robert St. Estephe.
“Bernebet” spelling note: Various spellings are found in newspaper reports: “Barnabet,” “Bernabet,” Barnerbet, “Barnebat,” Benrabet, While “Barnabet” has been chosen for UHoM listings, recently discovered newspapers from Lafayette, Louisiana indicate that “Bernebet” may be the preferred (correct) spelling.
[3] Conference: Aug. 29 – Sep. 2, 2005 in San Antonio, Texas; report: Robert J. Morton, editor,  Serial Murder: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2008, (corporate author), National Ctr for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) United States of America
[4] Hazelwood quote Patricia Pearson, When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence, 1997, Viking, p. 157.
[5] Amanda L. Farrell, Robert D. Keppel, and Victoria B. Titterington, “Lethal Ladies: Revisiting What We Know About Female Serial Murderers,” Homicide Studies August 2011 15: 228-252,
[6] Wikipedia, “Serial Killer,” accessed Aug. 28, 2015.
[7] Eric W. Hickey, Serial Murders and Their Victims, 3rd edition, Belmont, Ca., Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.
[8] Marissa Harrison, “How evolutionary psychology may explain the difference between male and female serial killers,” The Conversation, Jun. 29, 2015
[9] Origin of “serial killer” term, in popular usage (earlier instances of the term or terms like it, however, exist), Special Agent Robert Ressler, 1978, FBI Behavioral Sciences Services Unit, Quantico, Virginia.
[10] “Unknown” cases in the hundreds …” see: Index: Female Serial Killers,” Unknown History of Misandry. Robert St. Estephe.
[11] “Another Female Poisoner,” published in The Bloomfield Times (New Bloomfield, Pa.), Jun. 10, 1873, p. 4; The article is focused on Sarah Earhardt, yet mentions serial killers Martha Grinder, Lydia Sherman, Mary Ann Cotton [erroneously given the name “Jane Cotton”).
[12] (The Central Press), “Three Women Who Admit Poisoning 29 Persons,” widely published in daily newspapers across the country beginning circa May 1, 1925; 2 instances: Lock Haven Express (Pa.), May 1, 1925, p. 2; The Reading Eagle (Pa.), May 2, 1925, p. 11 (in google news). “Della Sorenson, Nebraska Serial Killer: “I had a feeling of elation and happiness” – 1925” Unknown History of Misandry, Robert St. Estephe.
[13) “Female Serial Killers of 19th Century America,” Unknown History of Misandry
[14) “Our collective amnesia …”: Patricia Pearson, When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence, 1997, Viking, p. 156.; also see: Carol Ann Jones, Women Who Kill: Profiles of Female Serial Killers, Alison & Busby (UK), 2001, pp. 240-41; sections headed “The Forgotten Killers” and “Men Only” discuss the amnesia phenomenon and chivalric blindness to female culpability.
[15) “The Dirty Dozen: 12 Female Serial Killers Executed in the USA – 1816-2002,” The Unknown History of Misandry, by Robert St. Estephe.
Processes Explaining the Concealment and Distortion of Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence,” European Journal on Criminal Policy, published online 14 July 2007.
[17) “… a feminist approach is also limited for explaining abuse perpetrated by women. Feminist theory typically explains women’s use of violence in the context of self-defence and retaliation for previous abuse. Yet, by doing so, a strictly feminist orientation denies that women can also feel angry and enraged without provocation in their relationships with men (Nolet-Bos, 1999). Additionally, while much of a woman’s use of violence does exist within the framework of retaliation and self-defence, feminist theory does not explain why women perpetrate violence outside their intimate relationships (e.g., at work, with children, or with peers).” [Richard Amaral, PhD, “Explaining Domestic Violence using Feminist Theory.” Dr. Richard Amaral Psychology For Growth, March 21, 2011]
[18) Murray Straus,  PhD, “Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment,” Partner Abuse Journal, June 2010.
[19) Otto Pollak, The Criminality of Women, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
[20) Steffensmeier, Darrell; Allan, Emilie, The Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice (2002), Macmillan Reference: New York.
[24] Steven F. Shatz and Naomi R. Shatz, “Chivalry Is Not Dead: Murder, Gender, and the Death Penalty,” Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2012
[25] Scott Bonn, Why We Love Serial Killers: The Curious Appeal of the World’s Most Savage Murderers. Skyhorse Publishing: New York, 2014
[26] The Gunness case hit the news on April 28, 1908 and the film was shown as early as May 24, 1908 in New York City; “Mrs. Gunness, the Female Bluebeard,” at World Eden; ad. in The Sun (New York, N. Y.), May 24, 1908, section 3, p. 4
[27] “Black Widow Serial Killers,” Unknown History of Misandry. Robert St. Estephe.
[28] John Borowski, director of documentary film, Serial Killer Culture, 2013; quote from: Richard Whittaker, “DVDanger: Real Monsters; Documentarian John Borowski studies Serial Killer Culture,” Austin Statesman, Jan. 10, 2015.
[29] “Female Serial Killers of the USA,” Unknown History of Misandry. Robert St. Estephe.
[30] Ann Frodi, J. Macaulay, and P. R. Thome, “Are Women Always Less Aggressive Than Men?” Psychological Bulletin 84 (1977), pp. 634-66); quoted in: Peter Vronsky, Female Serial Killers: How and Why Women Become Monsters, Berkley Books, New York, p. 7]
[31] Frank S. Perri, JD, MBA, CPA; and Terrance G. Lichtenwald, PhD, "The Last Frontier:Myths & the Female Psychopathic Killer," Summer 2010, The Forensic Examiner (journal)
[32] “Brittany Pilkington, Ohio Serial Killer Mom with a ‘Gender’ Concern – 2015” Unknown History of Misandry, Robert St. Estephe.
[33] “Munhall Insurance Ring” case:  Joseph W. Laythe, Engendered Death: Pennsylvania Women Who Kill, Rowan & Littlefield, 2011; ““High Spots in Insurance Murder Trial – a Case Involving ‘Devils, Drugs and Doctors’ – That Convicted 2 Women,” The Pittsburgh Press (Pa.), Feb. 3, 1933, p. 2; Ruth Reynolds, “How Fortune Teller Saw Death in Cards – Steady Income for Wives As Tragedy Strikes Homes,” The Ottawa Evening Journal (Canada), Feb. 16, 1952, p. 19?]

Addenda: items discovered after completion of article:

a) “We know from experience that serial killers are men (not 100%, but probably a ratio of something like 50:1 or 60: 1).” [p. 103; Mike Allen & Kathleen Valde,“Researching a Gendered World,” pp. 97-110, in Daniel J. Canary, Kathryn Dindia eds., Sex Differences and Similarities in Communication, 2006, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.; 2nd edn. 2009 Taylor & Routledge.]
b) “Research into serial killing has tended to focus largely upon male perpetrators, who are indeed responsible for around 85 per cent of these crimes.” [p. 149, David Wilson, Elizabeth Yardley, Adam Lynes, Serial Killers and the Phenomenon of Serial Murder: A Student Textbook, 2015, Waterside Press, UK.]
c) “While detailed serial killing data are difficult to find or generate, recent studies have conducted both national and cross-cultural inquiries regarding female serial killers. For example, Gurian (2011) analyzed cross-cultural data compiled from academic and media sources on 134 offenders (99 partnered teams including 55 males and 44 females and 35 solo female killers) primarily from the U. S., but also including serial killers from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, India, Mexico, Russia, Spain and the U. K.” [p. 170, Denise Paquette Boots and Jennifer Wareham, “A gendered view of violence,” pp. 163 ff., in Claire M. Renzetti, Susan L. Miller, Angela R. Gover, eds.,  Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies, Routledge, 2013]. These findings (Gurian’s) represent only a fraction of international cases turned up in my own research (Robert St. Estephe).
d) “Jon Amiel’s [film] Copycat (1995) opens with renowned criminal psychologist Dr. Helen Hudson (Sigourney Weaver) giving her stock lecture on serial killers in which she explains that serial killers murder for recognition and power, usually over women, who constitute the majority of victims. With each killing leaving them unfulfilled, they kill again driven by the hope that next time might be perfect. To highlight the group that poses most risk, Helen asks all male members of the audience to stand, and then invites those under 20 or over 35 and those of Asian and African American descent to sit down, an exercise designed to highlight that 90% of serial killers are young adult, white males.” [Nicola Rehling, “Everyman and no man: white, heterosexual masculinity in contemporary serial killer movies.” Jump Cut: A Review Of Contemporary Media, No. 49, spring 2007]


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Index: Female Serial Killers

 Myths about Female Serial Killers 

“I don't think there’s much different between male and female serial killers. I think women have got away with it for a lot longer. ” – Martina Cole, Britain’s most popular crime writer, presenter of BBC series on female serial killers in 2008.


“It is only recently that we have acknowledged that female serial killers, for example, exist. The FBI still thinks of women who kill as reluctant sidekicks.” [Katharine Quarmby, “The women that kill, abuse and torture,” Mosaic, May 31, 2016]


Wikipedia currently (Dec. 2011) asserts that “Female serial killers are rare.” “Rare” is a vague term and its use here is not explained. In contradiction to this claim two points should be noted: 1) the vast majority of female serial killers (of victims other than babies, whose corpses were often secretly discarded or destroyed) leave corpses which are believed by others to be the result of non-homicidal causes, thus making serial-killer victims and perpetrators much more difficult to estimate than in cases of male serial killers, where victims are usually easily identified as murder victims. 2) Very little historical research has been done on female serial killers. A study by the editor of The Unknown History of MISANDRY, using only fragmentary English-language newspapers and google as sources, has turned up hundreds of cases beyond the 140 collected in the longest published list of female serial killer cases, that in Peter Vronsky’s 2007 book. A more ambitious research effort should be expected to increase the number substantially above the current count of more than 1,000.

Wikipedia’s assertion that “most female serial killers murder for money or other such material gain” is not a very useful generalization. “Most” can mean 51%, thus “most” can mean little more than “about half.” Cases of prolific serial killers Bathory, Jager, Popov, Souliakotis, Toppan, demonstrate motives which are sadistic or ideological (in the case of Popov). The case of Martí can be classed as profit-motivated yet the child sexual abuse and cannibalism involved suggests the sadistic motive was paramount, or at least equal to the financial. Tann, who is likely to have murdered thousands of babies was also a sexual pervert who employed other perverts to molest the children she sold for profit. She was also ideologically motivated, holding eugenics beliefs about who was worthy and who was not. Tann, like Bathory, another homicidal sadistic sexual pervert, was one of the most prolific serial killers of either sex. Soulakiotis, murderess of 177 young women engaged, as did Bathory, in ritualized torture of her victims. Child-strangler Weber killed for pleasure. Renczi killed sex partners with a motive that is clearly a proprietary; victims were her “possessions” which she refused to share with the world and whose corpses were fetishistically collected. Popov and Foedi each professed misandric motives, with Popov claiming, implausibly, that each of her 300 victims were determined by her investigations to be of the “abusive” sort, thus justifying their murders, while Foedi similarly expressed a hatred of men in general and offered women assistance in murdering any husband they wished to be rid of. Although Foedi was on at least one occasion well-compensated for the crime, on other occasions was willing to murder for a pittance. Popov charged very little for her services, seeing herself as offering a valuable social service to the community. Gaetana Stimoli murdered 23 children in order to exact “revenge” according to her viewpoint and the “Dahr-al-Ahmur Serial Killer” murdered 8 children with a similar motive. Even in cases where profit motive is clear-cut (insurance scams, property inheritances) there needs to be additional severely pathologically antisocial mental factors before there can be a series of  premeditated carefully orchestrated crimes of homicide.

TEMPORARY NOTE: The list is being updated to include all cases (over 860 at this point), regardless of whether the case is included on UHoM, and will include city identifications.


 Index of Female Serial Killer Posts 

Note: Peter Vronsky's book on female serial killers lists 140 cases. The Unknown History of MISANDRY has collected more than 650 additional cases, of which only a portion are as yet posted.

Before 1600 BC – Queen Ji Xia – China
1200 BC – Fu Hao – China
5th c BC – Parysatis – Persia
316 BC – Queen Olympias – Macedonia
1st c BC – Princess Laodice of Cappadocia – Kingdom of Pontus, Anatolia
42 BC – Anula of Anuradhapura – Sri Lanka
48 AD – Valeria Messalina – Rome
59 AD – Julia Agrippina – Rome
69 AD  Locusta – Rome
275  Zenobia  Syria
597 – Fredegund, Queen of Franks – Soissons, France
705   Empress Wu Zetian  China
800 – Queen Eadburgh – England
940 – “White-necked Crow” – China
1010 – Freydis Ericsdotter – Early (Viking) America
1196 – Mahaut de Bourgogne – Burgundy (Bourgogne), France
1200 – Ta-Ki – China
1315 – Queen Margaret of Burgundy – France
1324 – Alice Kyteler – Ireland
1300s – Sultana Khadeejah – Maldives
1382 – Queen Giovanna I – Naples, Italy
1520 – "Sámána Threefold Murderess" – Sámána, Punjab, India
1533 – Katerina of Komarova – Bohemia
1542 – Margaret Davey (Davie) – Smithfield, England
1587 – Walpurga Hausmännin – Dillingen, Austria
1600s – “Lady Guilfort” (“Princess Jabirouska”) – Paris, France
1609 – Jane Hattersley – East Grinstead, Sussex, England
1610 – Elizabeth Báthory – Catchtice Castle, Hungary
1613 – Dona Catherina – Sri Lanka
1600s – La Toffana – Italy
1635 – Elizabeth Evans – London, England
1638 – Linda Downes – Colchester, Essex, England
1650 – Catalina de Erauso – Spain & New Spain
1658 – Abigall Hill – St. Olaves, Southwark, England
1658 – Hieronyma Spara – Italy
1658 – Gratiosa – Italy
1660 – Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer – Chile
1663 – Queen Nzinga – Ndongo (Angola)
1761 – Dorcas Kelly – Dublin, Ireland
1673 – “The Cruel French Lady” – Paris, France
1673 – Louise Mabre – France
1675 – “The Bloody Innkeeper’s Wife of Pultoe” – Pultoe, England
1676  Brinvilliers, Marquise de – Paris, France
1679 – Marie Bosse – Paris, France
1679 – Catherine Deshayes – Paris, France
1679 – Madame Vigoreux – Paris, France
1679 – Catherine Trianon – Paris, France
1684 – Elizabeth Ridgway – Leichestershire, England
1693 – Mary Compton, Mary Compton the Younger, Ann David – Poplar, London, England
1720 – Anne Bonny – Caribbean
1720 – Mary Read – Caribbean
1740 – Elizabeth & Mary Branch – Taunton, Somerset, England
1750 – (Finland:10 cases, 1750-1896) (names yet to be collected and added)
1762 – Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova – Moscow, Russia
1763 – Hadfield’s Maid” – Florence, Italy
1769 – Anne & Alte Christophersdatter – Oyestad, Norway
1772 – Luiza de Jesus – Coimbra, Portugal
1775  Arne Spanjers  Twente, Netherlands
1780s – Queen Ideah – Kingdom of Tahiti
1789 – “Vanaja Serial Baby-Killing Mother” – Vanaja, Finland
1789 – Rachel Wall  Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1788 – Giovanna Bonanno – Palermo, Sicily
1794 – Rachel Hartley – Natchez, Mississippi, USA
1808 – Catherine Bouhours ("Auguste Manette") – Paris, France
1803 – Sophie Ursinus – Berlin, Germany
1807 – Ching Shih – China
1808 – Mary Bateman – Leeds, Yorkshire, England
1809 – Anna Zwanziger (Nannette Schoenleben) – Sanspaareil, Bavaria, Germany
1812 – Hester Rebecca Nepping – Nieumarkt, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1814 – “Malága Black Widow” – Malaga, Spain
1816 – Rachel Clark – Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
1816 – Susannah Holroyd – Ashton-under-Line, England
1819 – Ane Nielsdatter – Copenhagen, Denmark
1825 – Françoise Bossard (Harand) – Brioux-sur-Boutonne, France
1828 – Ranavalona the Cruel, Queen – Madagascar
1828 – Jane Scott – Lancaster, England
1829 – Martha "Patty" Cannon – Johnson's Corners, Maryland, USA
1829 – Francoise Trenque – Arronede, Mirande Dept. (Gers Dept.), France
1831 – “Deerfield Slave Female Serial Killer” – Caroline, Virginia, USA
1831 – Gesche Gottfried – Bremen, Germany
1831 – Marie Breysse Martin – Peyrebeille, Lanarce commune, Ardèche, France
1832 – Anne & Marit Forrestadstuen – Ringebu, Oppland, Norway
1834 – Honorine Pellois – Bas-Val, Orne, France
1835 – Fanny Billing & Catherine Frary – Burnham Market, Norfolk, England
1835 – Margarete Jäger (Jaeger, Joyer) – Mentz, Swabia (Germany)
1836 – Olga Konstantinovna Briscorn – Kursk, Yekaterinoslav and Saint Petersburg, Russia
1836 – Betty Rowland – Manchester, England
1838 – Anne-Marie Boeglin – Stetten, Haut Rhin, (Alsace), France
1839 – Marie-Barbe Ravez (Quénardel) – Verzenay, France
1840 – Hannah Hanson Kinney – Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1840 – Catherine Labalue (Carron) – Liège, Belgium
1840 – Francoise Serval (Chamblas) – Retournac, Haute-Loire, France
1841 – "Oxford Skeleton Black Widow" – Oxford, England
1842 – Frances Bennett – Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England
1843 – Sarah Dazley – Bedford, England
1843 – Elizabeth Eccles – Bolton, England
1844 – Eliza Joyce – Boston, England
1845 – Sarah Freeman – Bridgewater, England
1845 – Elizabeth Reed – Laurenceville, Indiana, USA
1846 – Mary Pimlett – Runcorn, England
1847 – Sarah Chesham – Clavering, near Chelmsford, England
1847 – Hendrikje Doehlen – De Wijk, Drenthe, Netherlands
1847 – Mary Ann Milner – Lincoln, England
1847 – Mary Runkle – Whitesboro, Oneida County, New York, USA
1848 – Mary May – Colchester, England
1848 – Rose Theyre – Saint-Victoir-la-Coste, France
1849 – Mary Ann Geering – Lewes, England
1849 – Letitia Page – New Boston, New Hampshire, USA
1849 – Rebecca Smith – Westbury, Wiltshire, England
1800s – Princess Anna Stepanovna Sheleshpanskaya – Chukhloma, Russia
1800s – Honorata Stotskaya – Mozyr Uyezd, Russia
1850 Allie Belchie – Lintlaw, Buncle Parish, Scotland
1850– Gallus Mag – New York, New York, USA
1850s – “Hungarian Husband-Poisoners” (60) – Hungary [unconfirmed]
1851 – Mary Emily Cage – Ipswich, England
1851 – Nancy Farrer – Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
1851 – Hélène Jégado – Rennes, France
1852 – “Hirschfeld Black Widow” – Hirschfeld, Schweinfurt Dist., Bavaria, Germany
1852 – Nancy Hufford – Cumberland, Maryland, USA
1852 – Margaret Waldegrave – Buffalo, New York, USA & Cuba
1853 – Charlotte (slave of LaFargue) – Avoyelles, Louisiana, USA
1854 – Veronika Frantz – Barr, Alsace, France
1854 – Marie Gagey – Arnay-sous-Vitteux, France
1854 – “Villa Vico Baby Farmer” – Vila Vicosa ("Villa Vico"), Portugal
1854 – Pamela Myers (alias Snyder) – Nicetown, Philadelphia, Pa., USA
1855 – Clarissa – Yorkville, South Carolina, USA
1857 – "Big Mary" – Memphis, Tennessee, USA
1857 – Polly Frisch (Hoag) – Alabama, New York, USA
1857 – Elizabeth Routt – Hazel Green, Alabama, USA
1858 – Lydia Studley – Valley Falls, Rhode Island, USA
1858 – Phebe Westlake – Chester, New York, USA
1860 – "Copenhagen Baby Farm Couple" – Copenhagen, Denmark
1860 – Mary Jane “Bricktop” Jackson – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
1860 – Elizabeth McCraney – Medford, New York, USA
1861 – Ane Cathrine Andersdatter – Rødovre Mark, Denmark
1861 – Rudduah – Benares, India
1861 – Theresa of Sicily – Constantinople, Turkey
1862 – Marianne Dumollard – Montiuel, Rhone-Alpes, France
1862 – Josepha Perez – Galicia region, Spain
1862 – Catherine Wilson – London, England
1863 – Madame Rossner – Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
1865 – Marie-Françoise Bougaran – Brest & Lesneven, France
1865 – Martha Grinder – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
1865 – Maria Oliviero – Cattanzaro, Italy
1865 – Mrs. Perkins – Canada & England
1865 – Charlotte Winsor – Torquay, England
1866 – Marie Gateau Balouzat – Limanton, France
1867 – La Gizzi – Volturara district, Italy 
1867 – Margaret Grant – Westfield, Staten Island, New York, USA
1867 – Victoire Veysseire Julien – Le Puy, Haut-Loire, France
1868 – “Alt-Ofen Serial Murderess” – between Alt-Ofen & Ueriem, Hungary
1868 – Mary Bowsher – Upper Sandusky, Ohio, USA
1868 – Marie Jeanneret – Geneva, Switzerland
1869 – Anne Gaillard Delpech – Montauban, France
1869 – Marie Dupin – Bouloire, France
1869 – “Gardiner, Maine Black Widow Serial Killer” – Gardiner, Maine, USA
1869 – Augustine Miard – Bouloire, France
1869 – Mrs. Wahle – Jacksonville, Illinois, USA
1869 – Mrs. White – Lafayette Township, Sussex County, New Jersey, USA
1870s – Julie St. Joseph – St. Petersburg, Russia
1870 – Virginia Doyle – Detroit, Michigan, USA
1870 – Julia von Ebergenyi – Munich, Germany; Vienna, Austria
1870 – Mrs. Hoffman / Wenzel – Sedalia, Ohio, USA
1870 – Anna Pausch – Graz, Austria
1870 – Margaret Waters – London, England
1871 – Catherine Batchelor – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1871 – Mary Brister – Pennington, New Jersey, USA
1871 – Ann Burns – Wigan, Lancashire, England
1871 – Julia Calahan – East Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
1871 – “Dahr-al-Ahmur Serial Killer” – Dahr-al-Ahmur, Lebanon
1871 – Agnes Norman – London, England (15-y-o)
1871 – Frances (Hannah) Rogers – Manchester, England
1871 – Lydia Sherman – New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1871 – Elizabeth Wharton – Baltimore, Maryland, USA
1872 – Charlotte Lamb – Trimbelle, Wisconsin, USA
1872 – Emily Lloyd – Leesburg, Virginia, USA
1872 – Pètronillo Schimonska – Warsaw, Poland
1872 – Martha Whetstone – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1872 – Wilhelmine Woltmann – Stade, Germany
1873 – Kate & Katie Bender – Cherry Vale, Kansas, USA
1873 – Mary Ann Cotton – West Auckland, England
1873 – Sarah Earhardt – Germantown, Ohio, USA
1873 – Rose Porro & Margarite Coraldi – Naples, Italy
1873 – Ellen Roberts – New York, New York, USA
1873 – “St. Magdalena Black Widow” – Sankt Magdalena Am Lemberg, Styria, Austria
1873 – Mrs. York – USA (discredited)
1874 – Katharina Hoerl (Hörl) – Enzersdorf, Austria
1874 – Henrietta Weibel – Fresh Farms, Brooklyn, New York, USA (exception, 15-years-old)
1874 – “Winchester Female Serial Killer” – Winchester, Kentucky, USA
1875 – Bessey Binmore – Exeter, England
1875 – Marie Bouriant – Ainay-le-Vieil, France
1875 – Sophie Gautié (Bouyou) (Boyon) – Cahors, Lot Dept., France
1875 – Brigitte Burckel – Strasbourg, France
1875 – Julia Fortmeyer – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1875 – Marguerite Léris Grieumard – Saint-Vincent, France
1875 – Sofie Johannesdotter – Fredrikshald (Halden), Norway
1875 – Augustine-Marie Ouvrard – Luché-Pringé, Sarthe, France
1875 – Mary Reignolds – Hollister, New Hampshire, USA
1875 – Minnie Taylor – Humboldt, Tennessee, USA
1875 – Wilhelmina Weick – Buffalo, New York, USA & Germany
1875 – Widow Wrapac – Wikow, Bohemia
1876 – “Grey Nuns of Montreal” – Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1876 – Margaret McCloskey – New York, New York, USA
1876 – Widow Ravailhe – Tran & Aveyron, France
1877 – Rakitta Fira Bogyok & Softa Esutorina – Gross-Szent-Miklos, Romania
1877 – Elizabeth Kirkbride – Liverpool, England
1877 – Agnes Parr – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1877 – Sophia Martha Todd – Liverpool, England
1877 – Anna Weikert – Neichenberg, Bohemia
1877 – Rozilla Worcester – New York, New York, USA
1878 – Mrs. David Drake – Westfield, Massachusetts, USA
1878 – Marianne Firletowna – Wolo Zabierzowska, Poland
1878 – Anne-Marie Guemuchot – Chapelle-Saint-Saveur, France
1878 – Sallie Hardman (Gibbs) – Enon, Ohio, USA
1878 – Jennie Post – Spring Valley, New Jersey, USA
1879 – Catherine Barnes – Birkenhead, England
1879 – Marie Bleirs – Vienna, Austria
1879 – Rosa Bronzo – Salerno, Italy
1879 – Alice Danbrough – Lebanon, Illinois, USA
1879 – Ursula Flepone – (small village), Tuscany, Italy
1879 – Baptistine Philip Favet – Lambesc, France
1879 – Frances Shrouder – Chittenango, New York, USA
1880s – Sultana Pangyan Inchi Jamela – Philippines
1880 – Catharine Csassna – Verbo, Slovakia ("Hungary")
1880 – Anna Nagy, AKA Kathi Lyukas – Szerdahely, Hungary
1880 – Katarzyna Onyszkiewiczowa – Lviv, Ukraine
1881 – Honora Dunn – Adelaide, Australia
1881 – Margaret Messenger – Cumberland, England (14-y-o)
1881 – Jeanne Raies – Geneva, Switzerland
1881 – Nellie Webb (Nancy French) – Lancaster, New Hampshire, USA
1882 – Sophia Jovanovics & Ane Ninity – Melencze, Torantal, Serbia ("Hungary")
1882 – Barbara Ondricek – Huidon, Slany, Bohemia
1882 – Thekla Popov – Melencze, Serbia ("Hungary")
1882 – Sally Story – Little Falls, Passaic County, New Jersey, USA
1882 – Phyllis Wright – Augusta, Georgia, USA
1883 – Mrs. Christian – San Antonio, Texas, USA
1883 – Trailokya ("Troyluko Raur") – Calcutta, India
1883 – Annie Piard – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1883 – Adelaide Reece – Gloucester, England
1883 – Madame Roger – France; New Caledonia
1883 – Emma Stillwell – Waterford, Ohio, USA
1883 – Maria Swanenburg (Van der Linden) – Leiden, Netherlands
1883 – Mary Ganole – Flemingsburg, Kentucky, USA
1884 – Persia Vaics “Aunt Thyrin” – Opova, Timisoara, Hungary
1884 – Catherine Flannigan & Margaret Higgins – Liverpool, England
1884 – Angenette Haight – Dereuter, New York, USA
1884 – Nellie Horan – Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
1884 – Mrs. Machayie – London, England
1884 – Leonarda Martinez – Quetaro, Mexico
1884 – Emily Charlotte M'Kenzie – London suburbs, England
1884 – Symenthe S. Nivison – Hammonton, New Hampshire, USA
1884 – Mary Josephine Ward – New York, New York, USA
1885 – Maria "Mary" Clement (Kleman) – Dubuque, Iowa, USA
1885 – Marie Orban Juhass – Ocsa, Pest County, Hungary
1885 – Rachel Ostrovoskafa – Odessa, Ukraine
1885 – Rebecca Samuels – Barnesville, South Carolina, USA (age 12; 2 murders)
1886 – “Attendorf Black Widow” – Graz-Umgebung, Styria, Austria
1886 – Mary Ann Britland – Ashton-under-Lyne, England
1886 – Persa Czirin – Pancevo, Serbia ("Hungary")
1886 – Sarah J. Dockery – Fulton, Kentucky, USA
1886 – Mary Hart – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1886 – Jlyushka – St. Petersburg, Russia
1886 – Pauline Mittlestedt – Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
1886 – Harriet Nason – Rutland, Vermont, USA
1886 – Sarah Jane Robinson – Summerville, Massachusetts, USA
1886 – "Silesian Black Widow" – Silesia (Germany) 
1886 – Harriet Ann Stevens – Wangaratta, Australia
1887 – Baba Rendusch – Bingula, Serbia
1887 – Elizabeth Berry – Oldham, England
1887 – Kate & Kit Kelly (Kelly Family) – No Man’s Land, Kansas, USA
1887 – Cynthia McDonald – Rochester, New York, USA
1887 – Mary Oberly  New York, New York, USA
1887 – Jarenkiewicz – Ukraine
1887 – Amastaa Rubio de Pascadera – San Antonio, Zacatecas, Mexico
1887 – Eva Micsik Romhanyi – Csoka, Serbia 
1887 – Miss Ross – Caraquet, New Brunswick, Canada
1887 – Martha Ryckman – Bampton, N. B., Nova Scotia, Canada
1887 – Annie Snoots – Cambridge, Ohio, USA
1887 – Eliza Wood – Jackson, Tennessee, USA
1888 – Elisbetta Altrui & Maddalena Loffredo – San Pietro, Italy
1888 – Louisa Collins – Botany, Australia
1888 – Mrs. Johnston  Villea, Iowa, USA
1888 – Peace River Female Cannibal – Peace River region, Alberta, Canada
1888 – Sarah Whiteling – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1889 – “Abittibee Lake Cannibal Mother” – Abittibee Lake, Ontario, Canada
1889 – Barbara of Chisinau – Chishau, Telenescha, Moldova
1889 – Ellen Batts – Waverly, Australia
1889 – Lizzie Brennan – Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA
1889 – Miss Delaware – Waihora, New Zealand
1889 – Marie Doiselet – Bar-Sur Aube, France (age 13; 2 murders)
1889 – Mary Glynn – Pittston, Pennsylvania, USA
1889 – Jessie King – Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland
1889 – Marie Mravlak (Mrawlag) – Cilli, Slovenia
1889 – Eva Sarac – Mitrovitz, Serbia ("Hungary")
1889 – Jennie Suffert – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1889 – Sophie von Mesko – Lipov, Slovakia
1889 – "Spanish Belle" Rogers - Rocky Bar, Idaho, USA
1889 – Amelia Winters – Deptford, England
1889 – Annie Zachoegner – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
1890 – Catherine Claus – Long Island, New York, USA
1890 – Julia Higbee – Meade County, Kentucky, USA
1890 – Parance Maksymischin – Janowiec Wielkopolski, Galicia (Poland)
1890 – Riva Schulkin – Minsk, Russia
1890 – Marianne Skoublinska – Warsaw, Poland
1890 – Makrena Stankovic – Erdevik, Serbia
1890 – Carrie Vandergrift – Burlington, New Jersey, USA
1891 – Evelyn Abbott – Roxbury, Massachusetts, USA
1891 – Mrs. Thomas Austin – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1891 – Jane Dorsey – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1891 – Domnika Dutschak – Czernowitz, Ukraine
1891 – Frau Kernaez – Szent Tamas, Hungary
1891 – Stojsits Kurjakow – Szent Tamas, Hungary
1891 – Milicza Pivnicski – Szent Tamas, Hungary
1891 – Mila – Pozarevatz, Serbia
1891 – Rosalie Schneider – Vienna, Austria
1891 – Marie Sorgenfrie – Rome, New York, USA
1892 – Mary Ann Armagost – David City, Nebraska, USA
1892 – Ghelente Bednerek (Josefa) – Balut, Poland
1892 – Dorothee Buntrock – Osnabrück, Germany
1892 – “Chihuaha Cannibal Female Serial Killer” – Chihuaha, Mexico
1892 – Mary Ann Hall – Manchester, England
1892 – Annie Hanson – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1892 – Nellie Haven & Hattie Graham – San Francisco, California, USA
1892 – Ella Holdridge – Tonawanda, New York, USA
1892 – “The Limburg Baby Farmer” – Limburg, Germany
1892 – Sarah Jane Makin – Sydney, Australia
1892 – Guadalupe Martinez de Bejarano – Mexico City, Mexico
1892 – Frau Myer – Bockenheim, Germany
1892 – Feige Noskina – Vilna, Lithuania ("Russia")
1893 – Madame Barthian – Rittencourt, Lorraine, France
1893 – Lady Blanche Diarne – near Bucharest, Romania
1893 – Josefa Duda & Johanna Dudek – Kuttenberg, Bohemia (Czech)
1893 – Lizzie Halliday – Burlingham, New York, USA
1893 – Mrs. Joszef Kajdy – Szent-Gal, Vezprimer County, Hungary
1893 – Baba Ljuskowska – Berditschew, Ukraine
1893 – Frances Knorr (Minnie Thwaites) – Brunswick, Australia
1893 – Belinda Laphame – San Francisco, California, USA
1893 - Julji Laskowskiej, “Baba Ljuskowska” – Berdychiv, Ukraine
1893 – Mary Meyer – South Bend, Indiana, USA
1893 – “Przemysi Baby Farmers” – Przmyski, Poland
1893 – Mattie C. Shann – Princeton, New Jersey, USA
1893 – Annie Wagner – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1893 – Josefine Wilczynska – Lodz, Poland
1894 – Mrs. Julian Butler – Hamburg, Michigan, USA
1894 – Mary Cowan – Dixmont, Maine, USA
1894 – Frau Gyorgyevits – Szanad, Hungary
1894 – Nacza Milosev – Drosslama, Hungary
1894 – Martha Needle – Richmond, Australia
1894 – “Nijni Novgorod Serial Killer” – Nijni Novgorod, Russia
1894 – Katharine & Elizabeth Nolan – Waterford, New York, USA
1895 – Minnie Dean – Invercargill, New Zealand
1895 – Lizzie Harris - Moundsville, West Virginia & Knox County, Kentucky 
1895 – Marie Hevesy (Hevesi) – Pecica ("Pecska"), Romania ("Hungary")
1895 – Charlotte Howell – Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA
1895 – Azalai Maria Jager – Hodmezovassarhely, Hungary
1895 – Marie Therese Joniaux-Ablay – Antwerp, Belgium
1895 – Niryauhi V Kanjogera – Tutsi Tribe, Rwanda 
1895 – Gaetana Stimoli ("Stomoli") – Aderno, Catania, Sicily
1895 – Maria Szalay-Japes – Hodmezo-Vasarhely, Hungary (PROBABLY A DUPLICATE OF JAGER)
1896 – Queen Ashantehemaa Yaa Akyaa – Kumanni, Ashanti Kingdom (Ghana)
1896 – Auguste Bock (Springstein) – Prenzlau, Germany
1896 – Amelia Dyer – Caversham, England
1896 – Jessie Findlay – Guthrie, Oklahoma
1896 – Anna Gabler – Vienna, Austria
1896 – Fatima Ben Abdel Kader – Oran, Algeria
1896 – "Mischar Triple Black Widow" – Mischar, Serbia
1896 – Alice Platt – Kansas City, Missouri, USA
1896 – Celia Rose – Newville, Pleasant Valley, Ohio, USA
1896 – Rulo – Peraleda, Spain
1896 – Fanny Scovell ("Scofield") – Mexico Village, New York, USA
1896 – "Viennese Dissection Serial Killer Couple" – Vienna, Austria
1897 – Lidi Czordus (Csordas) – Hodmezovassarhely, Hungary
1897 – Therese Komjalhy Dellavoda – Neupest, Hungary
1897 – Augusta Nack – New York, New York, USA
1897 – Orellana – Seville, Spain
1897 – Frau Przybylska – Lodz, Poland
1897 – Marie Ret – Paris, France
1897 – Jennie Layton & Mary Sammon – Camden, New Jersey, USA
1897 – Midwife Schmidt – Verden, Lower Saxony, Germany
1897 – Frau Schwartz – Warsaw, Poland
1897 – Nancy Staffleback  – Galena, Kansas, USA
1897 – Maria Ulica – Zsebely, Temesvar, Romania
1898 – Jovanka Papa (AKA : Parthenia Igrisa; Marie Anassin-Pox) – Gross-Kikinda, Serbia
1898 – Marianna Breszczak – Near Warsaw, Poland
1898 – Maria Dunne – Inchicore, Ireland
1898 – Frau Feddern – Hamburg, Germany
1898 – Jane Morris – New York, New York, USA
1898 – Caroline Ostrouszko – Near Warsaw, Poland
1898 – Margaret Ann Smith – West Perth, Australia
1898 – Ann Spinks – Tottenham, England
1898 – Emilie Thiele, Maria Pisturin & Ida Gro – Temesvar, Romania
1898 – Mary Tressa – Trieste, Austria (Italy)
1898 – “Vlasotince Serial Poisoner” – Vlasotince, Serbia
1898 – Juliana Wroclawska – Near Warsaw, Poland
1899 – Henrietta Bamberger – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1899 – Antoine Blochberger – Atzerdorf, Austria
1899 – Ivy Crabtree – Carmi, Illinois, USA
1899 – Laura Heinz – Esztergom, Hungary
1899 – Lulu Johnson – Enid, Oklahoma Territory, USA
1899 – Amy M'Neil Douglas – Chingford, England
1899 – Lulu Johnson – Enid, Oklahoma Territory, USA
1899 – Elizabeth Osborn  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1899 – Elisabeth Rakoczy – Bekes, Hungary
1899 – The Widow Thuri – Sobotka, Silesia (Poland)
1899 – Lisa Petru-Triku – Jebel (Zesbeley), Temesvar, Romania ("Hungary")
1900 – Nikola Bettuz – Kissoda, Romania ("Hungary")
1900 – Marie Bonelli – Rome, Italy
1900 – Ada Chard-Williams – London, England
1900 – Molly Foxwater – Guthrie, Oklahoma, USA
1900 – “Golden Wig Female Serial Killer” – England
1900 – Therese Gyulai – Nagy-Koros, Hungary
1900 – Mrs. (Limeburner) Herrick – Kenwood, Illinois, USA
1900 – “Kherson Angel-Maker” – Kherson, Ukraine
1900 – Liget Rouge-Poison Husband-Killing Syndicate – Liget, Baranya cty., Hungary
1901 – Fru Andresen – Christiana (Oslo), Norway
1901 – Frau Duplaca – Przemysl, Poland
1901 – Fru Johannsen – Christiana (Oslo), Norway
1901 – Emma Knowles – Birmingham, England
1901 – Fru Olsen – Christiana (Oslo), Norway
1901 – Frau Prussenkowa – Kiev, Ukraine
1901 – Katharina Schweinhammer – Weikendorf, Austria
1901 – Zsófia Tonaszic – Starčevo, Pančevo municipality, South Banat District, Serbia
1901 – Jane Toppan – Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1901 – Belle Witwer – Dayton, Ohio, USA
1902 – Mattie Bennett – Beaumont, USA
1902 – Nellie Campbell – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1902 – “Christiana Baby Farmers” – Christiana (Oslo), Norway
1902 – “Cologne Baby Farmer” – Cologne, Germany
1902 – “Erenfeld Angel-maker”– Erenfeld, Germany
1902 – Jennie O. Guild – Sheldonville, Massachusetts, USA
1902 – “Hameln Angel-Maker” – Hameln, Germany
1902 – Marie Josefowitsch – Cherniviski, Ukraine
1902 – “Osaka Baby Farmers” – Osaka, Japan
1902 – Romanian Bandit Queen of Jassy” – Jassy, Romania
1902 – Amelia Sach & Annie Walters – Finchley, England
1902 – Hattie Whitten – Dexter, Maine, USA
1903 – “Cairo Cannibal Female Serial Killer” – Cairo, Egypt
1903 – Caroline Collins – New Lathrop, Michigan, USA
1903 – Caroline Finity – Wanakoneta, Ohio, USA
1903 – Emily Gobay & Emma Kitchen – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
1903 – Madame Guzovska – Warsaw, Poland
1903 – Marie Knauer – San Francisco, California, USA (Chicago; Germany)
1903 – Mary McKnight – Kalkaska, Michigan, USA
1903 – Mrs. A. H. Miller – Wichita, Kansas, USA
1903 – Alexandra Murakina – Tarutino, Kaluga, Russia
1903 – Anna (Karoline) Przygodda – Roblau, Allenstein, East Prussia (Germany/Poland)
1903 – Julia Saldakowa – Lviv, Galicia (Ukraine)
1903 – Elisabeth Wiese – St. Pauli (Hamburg), Germany
1903 – Chaja Wogen – Lodz, Poland
1904 – Elizabeth Ashmead – Philadelphia, Pa., Melville, NJ, Wilmington, De., USA
1904 – Annie Batten – Perth, Australia
1904 – Mary Bellears – Euora, Australia
1904 – Jeanne Bonnaud – Chatain, Haute, Vienne Dept., France
1904 – Rachel Galtie – Auch, France
1904 – “Harbin, Manchuria Serial Black Widow” – Harbin, Manchuria (Russia)
1904 – Viktoria Kecskes – Theresianopel, Serbia
1904 – Rae Anderman Krauss – Blackford City, Indiana, USA
1904 – Mary Lowry – Omaha, Nebraska, USA
1904 – Mrs. Maisson – Racine, Wisconsin & Kankakee, Illinois, USA
1904 – Catherine Miller – Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania, USA
1904 – Marie Novak – Karlin (Charlottenfeld), Moravia
1905 – Imrene Balapa – Peterev, Hungary
1905 – Rose Barron – Detroit, Michigan, USA
1905 – Anna Bergmann – Euora, Australia
1905 – “Dubovo Vivisection Ogresses” – Dubovo, Ukraine (Russian Empire)
1905 – Lizzie Geisler – Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
1905 – Maria Kramer – Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria
1905 – Frau Miriczky – Mohol, Obecse, Peterrev; Bacser cty., Serbia (“Hungary”)
1905 – Frau (Ziesig) Manko – Lyck, West Prussia (Germany)
1905 – Damo Maximovics – Gaja, Torontal County, Serbia
1905 – Mamie McDowell-Bryant – Richmond, Virginia, USA
1905 – Alva Nordberg – Stockholm, Sweden
1905  Frau Nowatka  Posen Province, Germany
1905 – Teresa Palko – Bačko Petrovo Selo (Péterréve), Bečej Munic., S. Bačka Dst., Serbia
1905 – Rosalia Peter – Bacs-Petrovoszell, Hungary
1905 – Malvina Roester – Kristyor, Romania ("Hungary")
1905 – Frau Sivacky – Zenta, Serbia ("Hungary")
1906 – Sofrania Agatescu – Chisoda (Kisoda), Romania
1906 – Catherine Biber (Katalin Bider) – Kneez, Temesvar, Romania ("Hungary")
1906 – Bridget Carey – Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA
1906 – "Coby Serial Baby-Killer" – Coby, South Africa
1906 – Wilhelmina Eckhardt – New York, New York, USA
1906 – Mrs. Gustav Holmen (alias) – Stockholm, Sweden
1906 – Frau Kadletz – Smichow (Prague), Czech Republic
1906 – “Knez Four-Time Black Widow” – Kneez, Temesvar, Romania ("Hungary") 
1906 – Marjanna Kasprzyckich – Kalicz, Wroclaw, Silesia (Poland)
1906 – Marianne Konopkova – Wieliczka, Poland
1906 – Emma LeDoux (McVicar) – Jamestown, California, USA
1906 – Mary Maher – Dunkitt, County Kilkenny, Ireland
1906 – “Osaka ‘Devil Woman’” – Osaka, Japan
1906 – Martha Petromany – Kneez (Satchinez), Temesvar, Romania ("Hungary")
1906 – Elizabeth Scholes – Sydney, Australia
1906 – Lillian Thornman – York, Pennsylvania, USA
1906 – Eleonore Vauthier Chartier – Quartier Vivienne, Paris, France
1906 – Rose Vrzal – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1907 – Marie Blicenzyk – Konkowce, Przemysl, Poland
1907 – Ernestine Feige – Grunau Hirschberg, Silesia (Germany)
1907 – Marie Vere Goold – Marseilles, France
1907 – Frau Hazyok – Knees, Temasvar, Romania, ("Hungary")
1907 – Margarete Keil – Vienna, Austria
1907 – Marie Kühnel – Vienna, Austria
1907 – “Kursk Female Serial Killer” – Kursk, Russia
1907 – Dámó Maximovics – Gája, Torontál County, Serbia
1907 – Alice Mitchell – Perth, Australia
1907 – Ida Schnell – Munich, Bavaria, Germany
1907 – Barbara Seiler – Perlach, Germany
1907 – Mrs. Fred West (Clara West) – Des Moines, Iowa, USA
1908 – Grete Beier – Brand, Saxony, Germany
1908 – Madge Clayton – Preston, Australia
1908 – Dowager Empress Cixi (Tsi Si) – China
1908 – Marie Dubois – Saint-Christophe-de-Valins, France
1908 – Madame Faure – Pont Court, France
1908 – Jeanne Gilbert – St.-Amand-Montrand, France
1908 – Goehlenau Serial Baby-Killing Mom – Wrocław, Silesia, Poland
1908 – Belle Gunness – LaPorte, Indiana, USA
1908 – Francesca Herrera – Seville, Spain
1908 – Padada Jovanovits – Pancevo, Serbia
1908 – Frau Pirsch – Reergeld, Liège (Belgium)
1908 – Klara Rost – Rixdorf (Berlin), Germany
1908 – “Shui Hing Black Widow Serial Killer” – Shui Hing prefecture, China
1908 – Sisters of St. Anne – Gerace, Italy
1908 – Jeanne Weber – Paris, France
1908  Frau Wimmer  Achdorf, Germany
1909 – Ischi Minogata & Akino Kawabarg – Osaka, Japan
1909 – Augustina Mora – Vera Cruz, Mexico
1909 – Katharina Popova (Popowa) – Samara, Ukraine (Russian Empire)
1909 – Martha Rendell – Perth, Australia
1909 – Rohm Couple – Copenhagen, Denmark
1909 – Frau Szari – Grosskanizsalich, Vorhahre, Somogy County, Hungary
1909 – Olga Ivanova Tamarin – Kurdino village, Novaya Ladoga, Russia
1909 – Maud Turner – Toronto, Canada
1909 – Terez Urban – Adan, Bacs-Kiskun, Hungary
1909  Marie Wewerka – Hoch Aujeza, Bohemia (Czech)
1910 – Esteis Liberis – Barahona, Haiti
1910 – Auguste Mitkoweit – Chernyakhovst, Kalingrad Oblast, Russia
1910 – Maria Piaszta – Mitrovitz, Serbia
1910 – Marie Semit – Smolensk province, Russia
1910 – Mattie Troy – Topeka, Kansas, USA
1911 – Clementine Barnabet (Bernebet) – Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
1911 – Edith Agnes Bingham – Lancaster, England
1911 – Annie Crawford – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
1911 – Maria Gerzsany (Gerszan, Gersan) – Kistelek, Csongrad, Hungary
1911 – Linda Burfield Hazzard – Ollala, Washington, USA
1911 – Rachel Lynn – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
1911 – Agnes Orner – El Paso, Texas, USA
1911 – Maria Persson – Malmo, Sweden
1911 – Jane Taylor Quinn – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1911 – Carrie Bodie Sparling – Ubly, Michigan, USA
1911 – Louise Vermilya – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1912 – Smaranda Alexe – Budeasa, Argeș County, Muntenia, Romania
1912 – Frau Boehme (Böhme) – Leipzig-Volkmarsdorf, Saxony, Germany
1912 – Matilda Connelly – Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
1912 – Andrina-Eglantine Fortin Couturier – Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon, France
1912 – Mary T. Godau – Mobile, Alabama, USA
1912 – Johanna Kapruczan – Lippa, Romania, "Hungary"
1912 – Karoline Kieper – Graudenz, East Prussia (Germany)
1912 – Olivia Charlotta Larsson – Malmo, Sweden
1912 – Louise Lindloff – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1912 – Mary Lucas – Lansing, Michigan, USA
1912 – Enriqueta Martí – Barcelona, Spain
1912 – Maria Reyes – Mexico City, Mexico
1912 – Frieda Trost – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1912 – Marie Turniak – Sokolniki, Russia
1913 – Cynthia Buffom – Little Valley, New York, USA
1913 – "Croatian Angelmaker" – Tier (Trnje?), Croatia
1913 – Ellen Etheridge – Meridian, Texas, USA
1913 – Madame Kusnezowa – Archangel, Russia
1913 – Ida Leckwold – Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
1913 – Lodz Angelmaker – Lodz, Poland
1913 – Isabella Newman – Melbourne, Australia
1913 – Marie Racz, Milica Rudintzkt & Julie Rajko – Durdevo (Sajkasgyorgye), Serbia
1913 – Friederike Schofer – Wroclaw (Breslau), Silesia (Germany; Poland)
1913 – Maria Szendi-Horvath – Oroshaza, Bekes county, Hungary
1913 – Frau Wühler – Mannheim, Germany
1914 – “Edinburgh Serial Baby-Killing Mom” – Edinburgh, Scotland
1914 – Gertie Kidd-Williams – Oklahoma, USA
1914 – Octavie Lecompte – Cary, France
1914 – Sanda Skrobanetz – Neugrasse, Austria
1914 – Minnie Wallace Walkup Ketcham – Emporia, Kansas & Chicago, Illinois, USA
1915 – Viktoria Budzinska – Lviv, Ukraine
1915 – Henriette Holstein – Neu-Pustlauken, Labiau distr., Prussia
1915 – Frona McMahan (McMahan) – Sunburst, North Carolina, USA
1916 – Amy Archer-Gilligan – Windsor, Connecticut, USA
1917 – Mrs. Simon Ferenc & Mrs. István Polgár – Zetelaka, Romania
1917 – Leopoldine Kasparek – Vienna, Austria
1917 – Annie Monahan – New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1917 – Hilda Nilsson – Helsingborg, Sweden
1917 – Marie Schaubmayr – Steyr, Austria
1918 – Taytu Betul – Addis Abbaba, Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1918 – Mrs. Istvan Bulboka –Targu Mures, Romania
1918 – Widow Madaszar – Hodmezö-Vasarhely, Hungary
1918 – Hentietta Williams – Tampa, Florida, USA
1919 – Marie Hochreiter – Vienna, Austria
1919 – Madame Jablonska – Petersburg, Soviet, Russia
1919 – Madame Jacobleva – Soviet Russia
1919 – “Rosa of Kiev” – Kiev, Ukraine
1920 – Marie-Louise Victorine Bessarabo – Paris, France
1920 – Raya & Sakina Aly Hammam – Alexandria, Egypt
1920 – Anna Buchmann – Geneva & Zurich, Switzerland
1920 – Louise Galant – Liege, Belgium
1920 – Latvian Female Bolshevik Executioner – Soviet Russia
1920 – Dagmar Overbye – Copenhagen, Denmark
1920 – Anna Tomaskiewicz – South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA
1921 – Clara Carl – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1921 – Erminia (Big Emma) Colavito – Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1921 – Mary Demmer – Schiller Park, Illinois, USA
1921 – Iniego Kaneiko – Kumakura, Japan
1921 – Dessie Keyes – Elm Mott, Texas, USA
1921 – Ekaterina Pishianova (Planovsky) – Chita, Russia
1921 – Lyda Trueblood Southard – Twin Falls, Idaho, USA
1921 – Rosalia Zemliachka – Soviet Russia
1922 – Edith Murray “The Cleveland Black Widow” – Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1922 – Martha Cooper – Newlands, New Zealand
1922 – Tillie Klimek – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1922 – Nellie Sturmer Koulik – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1922 – Jozefina Gendek (Pasnik) (Józefina Paśnik) – Pruskow, Poland
1923 – Abertina Blomqvist – Stockholm, Sweden
1923 – Clothida Cravana (Maria Clothida Gaione, nee Cravino) – Turin, Italy
1923 – Mary Frances Creighton – Newark, New Jersey, USA
1923 – Sofia Komarova – Moscow, Russia
1923 – Eliza Potegian – Fresno, California, USA
1923 – Marie Torosian – Armenia
1924 – Julia Csoboth – Budapest, Hungary
1924 – "Old Mother" Djao – Ichowfu, Shantung, China
1924 – Annie Hauptrief – San Marcos, Texas, USA
1924 – Frau Jaskel – Hamburg, Germany
1924 – Marie Krueger (Krüger) – Hammer (near Berlin), Germany
1924 – Euphemia Mondich – Detroit, Michigan, USA
1924 – Anastasia Permiakova – Perm, Russia 
1924 – Mrs. Tanaka – Tokyo, Japan
1924 – Erna Warz (Erna Bischuff) – Berlin, Germany
1924 – Mrs. Zbonska – Grodno, Poland
1925 – Leila Banks – New York, New York, USA
1925 – “Constantinople Female Serial Killer” – Istanbul, Turkey
1925 – Anna Cunningham – Crown Point, Indiana, USA
1925 – Helen Geisen-Volk – New York, New York, USA
1925 – Anna Dvoracek – Trebic (Trebitsch), Moldavia (Czech)
1925 – Dinorah Galou (suspected) – Agen, Lot et Garrone, France
1925 – Pearl Jackson – Birmingham, Alabama, USA
1925 – Julie Remic – Altbecskerek, Serbia
1925 – Vera Renczi – Yugoslavia (Romania) (DISCREDITED)
1925 – Antoinette Sierri ("Scierri") – Nimes, France
1925 – Julia Shepherd – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1925 – Della Sorenson – Dannenborg, Nebraska, USA
1925 – Birdie Strome – Springfield, Ohio, USA
1925 – Alsa Thompson – Hollywood, California, USA
1925 – Martha Wise – Valley City, Ohio, USA
1925 – Zhang Suzhen, “Camel Dragon” – Manchuria (China)
1926 – Rennette Cure Bussey – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 
1926 – Mae Hamilton – Okmulgee, Oklahoma, USA
1926 – Maria Vukosava Jovanovic – Nagy Kikinda, Serbia (DISCREDITED 9/17/20)
1926 – Elsie Bible Malinsky – Flora, Illinois, USA
1926 – Josefa Szanyi (Josephine Tzany) – Budapest, Hungary (DISCREDITED 9/17/20)
1927 – Juliette Brucy (Thoreau) – Ailnay-sous-Bois, Ile-de-France, France
1927 – Diana Lacroix – Hull, Quebec, Canada
1927 – Alma McClavey (Theede) – Memphis, Tennessee, USA
1927 – Sophie Safarine – Navoia, Russia
1927 – Tamara – Athens, Greece
1927 – Leontina Tydrich – Vialystock, Poland
1928 – Daisy Ellen Chivers – Brighton-on-Sea, England
1928 – Nora Edwards – Poplar Bluff, Missouri, USA
1928 – Bertha Gifford – Catawissa, Missouri, USA
1928 – Anna Hlatky  Monessen, Pennsylvania, USA
1928 – Stana Ludushka – Banat region, Serbia (Jugoslavia)
1928 – Marguerite Martinet – Chambery, Franc
1928 – Sarah Louisa Northcott – Jurupa Valley, California, USA
1928 – Anujka de Poshtonja (Anna Pistova, Baba Anujka) – Vladimirovac, Yugoslavia (Serbia)
1928 – Axenia Varlan (Maria Varlane) – Fundul Galbenei, Hîncesti District, Moldova
1929 – Therese Blauensteiner - Tragwein, Friestadt, Austria
1929 – “Brazilian Black Widow” – Fernando Noronha Island, Brazil
1929 – Mrs. Louis Cser – Skolnock, Hungary
1929 – Krisztina Balint Borzik Csordas – Tiszazug, Hungary
1929 – Maude Dieden – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1929 – Szuszanna Fazekas (Olah) – Nagyrev, Hungary
1929 – Juliana Foeldvary (Dari) – Nagyrev, Hungary
1929 – Okal Gorham & Ethel Lewis – St. Joseph, Michigan, USA
1929 – Maria Kardos (Kardos-Szendi; Aszendi; Szendi; Csordas; Chordas) – Nagyrev, Hungary
1929 – Lisa Karl – Rhiems, France
1929 – Julianne Lipka – Nagyrev, Hungary
1929 – Lydia Olah – Nagyrev, Hungary
1929 – Sarah Elizabeth Powers – Macon, Georgia, USA
1929 – Hattie Stone – Belair, Maryland, USA
1929 – Esther Szabo – Nagyrev, Hungary
1930s – “Chiapas Black Widow” – Chiapas, Mexico
1930s – Vera Grebeniukova (aka Dora) – Odessa, Ukraine
1930s – Grace Sims  Brickel Ridge, Tennessee, USA
1930 – Agnes Bittner – Hradec Kralove, (Koeniggraetz), Bohemia, Czechoslovakia
1930 – Viktoria Harna – Fajsz, Bács-Kiskun county, Hungary
1930 – Mary E. Hartman – Long Beach, California, USA
1930 – Frau Lansfeld – “Sucan an der Waag” [?], Slovakia
1930 – Veronika Molnar – "Bake," Bratslava, Slovakia
1930 – Marie Orban – Korkanémetfalu, Zala county, Hungary
1930 – Katharina Riefer – Saarbrucken, Rhenish Prussia, Germany (exception, 12-years-old)
1930 – “Shanghai Female Jack the Ripper” – Shanghai, China (2 victims)
1930 – Maria Varga – Nagyrev, Hungary
1931 – Esther Carlson – Los Angeles, California, USA
1931 – Alice Mason – Pekin, Illinois, USA
1931 – Anny Papp – Fajsz, Bács-Kiskun county, Hungary
1931 – Viktoria Stanke (Sztanka) – Levice, Slovakia
1931 – Margaret Summers – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1931 – Camille Tournie – Saint Sauveur, France
1931 – Rose Veres – Detroit, Michigan, USA
1931 – Mary Dragocich (Kosanovich) – Youngstown, Ohio, USA
1932 – Anna Allas – Munhall, Pennsylvania, USA
1932 – Mary Chalfa – Munhall, Pennsylvania, USA
1932 – Daisy de Melker – Johannesburg, South Africa
1932 – Mabel Gant – Melbourne, Australia
1932 – "The Paraiba Serial Child-Eater" – Paraiba, Brazil
1932 – Gizella Young – Munhall, Pennsylvania, USA
1932 – Pauline Yatchuk – Angusville, Manitoba, Canada
1933 – Johanna Biedermann – Kremse, Austria
1933 – Florica Duma – Villagos, Arad, Romania
1933 – Ilona Kovacs – Villagos, Arad, Romania
1933 – "Two Pap Women" – Csokmo & Komacs, Hungary
1933 – Viktoria Foedi Rieger – Szeged, Hungary
1933 – Franziska Schoerghofer (Schörghofer) – Austria
1933 – Hazel Howe Spicer – Kiowa, Colorado, USA
1934 – Sojka Gjurkic "Baba Sojka" – Cassisol (Kasidol), Pozarevac, Serbia
1934 – Amelia Rivers Webb Wardrop – Coshocton, Ohio, USA
1935 – Elizabeth Bittenbinder & Mary Neukom – Timisoara, Romania
1935 – Dora Bullock Frost – Houston, Texas, USA
1935 – Madame Laou – Lugos, Romania
1935 – Julianna Nagy – Debreczen, Hungary
1935 – Cora Werntz Rendall – South Bend, Indiana
1935 – Clemence Thoulier – Château Gontier, France
1935 – Milka Pavlovic – Pavljani, Belovar, Croatia (Yugoslavia)
1936 – Tiza Lublinitsch (Lublimech) – Novi Pazar (Navibazar), Serbia
1936 – Mrs. Antal Mihály – Csurgó, Somogy county, Hungary
1936 – Velma Patterson – Commerce, Texas, USA
1936  Frieda Vogler – Mainz-Kostheim, Germany
1936 – Lila Gladys Young – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1937 – Bernice Felton – Rockford, Illinois, USA
1937 – Agnes Joan Ledford – St. Helens, Oregon, USA
1937 – Marie Manin – Chante Perdrix, France
1938 – Marie Becker – Liege, Belgium
1938 – Lillie May Curtis – Center, Texas, USA
1938 – Maria Gomes de Oliveira, “Maria Bonita” – Pernambuco State, Brazil
1938 – Anna Marie Hahn – Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
1938 – Moulay Hassen (Oum el Hassen) – Fez, Morocco
1938 – Martha Marek – Vienna, Austria
1938 – Mary Eleanor Smith – Pocatello, Idaho, USA
1938 – Anna Vucored – Konjice, Yugoslavia (Slovenia)
1939 – Rose Carina – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1939 – Carina Favato – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1939 – Victoria Lefebvre – Fitchberg, Massachusetts, USA
1939 – Stanka Penovic (Petcovic) – Pozarevac, Krepoinija region, Yugoslavia
1939 – Anna Louise Sullivan – Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
1939 – “Turn-Severin Angel-Maker” – Turn-Severin, Romania
1939 – Bertie Wrather – Nashville, Tennessee, USA
1940 – Emma Heppermann – Wentzville, Missouri, USA
1940 – Angela Lazzaro – Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
1940 – Madeleine Marchand – Beaument-les-Autels, Eure-et-Loir, France
1940 – Gordeeva Dmitriev-Andryunin Plaskin – Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan
1941 – Magdalena Castell Pons – Parma, Majorca, Spain
1941 – Leonarda Cianciulli – Reggio Emilia, Italy
1941 – Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón (or Sánchez Neyra) – Mexico City, Mexico
1941 – Anna Unger (Boegen) – Zwickau, Romania
1942 – Dorothy Hahn – Adelaide, Australia
1943 – Antonina Makarova – Lokot Autonomy (Russia)
1943 – Helen Moeller – Berlin, Germany
1943 – Bernice Williams – Denver, Colorado, USA
1944 – Carmen Matamoros de Tejeda – Panzacola, Tehuantepec Dist, Oaxaca, Mexico
1944 – Louise Peete – Pacific Palisades, California, USA
1945 – Hermine Braunsteiner – Ravensbruck, Germany
1945 – Irma Grese – Auschwitz, Germany
1946 – Sister Liesel Bachor – Kreis, Germany
1946 – Valentina Bilien – Velpke, Germany
1946 – Marjorie Coleman – Camperdown, Australia
1946 – Marguerite D’Andurian – France, Syria
1946 – Bertha Gossett Hill – Rome, Georgia, USA
1946 – Anna Katschenka – Vienna, Austria
1946 – Lottie Lockman – Dupont, Indiana, USA
1946 – Herta Oberheuser – Germany
1946 – Kathe Pisters – Kreis, Germany
1946 – Ella Schmidt, Liesel Bachor & Kathe Pisters – Germany
1946 – Marianne Tuerk (Türk) & Margarethe Heubsch – Germany
1946 – Lillie Winter – Fairfield, Illinois, USA
1947 – Ruedell Harrison  Rock Island, Missouri, USA
1947 – Madeleine Le Valler Mouton – Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
1947 – Roza Nagy (“Aunt Rosa,” Nagy Andrásné Angyal Tóth Rózái) – Szoreg, Hungary
1948 – Balagee – Nayagli, Ghana
1948 – Ada Bilbrey – Fort Worth, Texas, USA
1948 – Josefa Idler – Berlin, Germany
1948 – Miyuki Ishikawa – Tokyo, Japan
1948 – Irmgard Swinka (aka: Kuschinsky) – Hamm (Berlin), Germany
1949 – Martha Beck – Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
1949 – Marie Besnard – Loudon, France
1949 – Inez Brennan – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1949 – Marie Jeanbracq – Pyrennes Region, France
1949 – Clarice Spurlock – Evansville Indiana; Memphis, Tenn., USA
1950 – Juanita Louise Carr – Fossil, Oregon, USA
1950 – Mrs. Schaub – Baltimore, Maryland, USA
1950 – Miriam Soulakiotis – Keratera, Greece
1950 – Georgia Tann – Memphis, Tennessee, USA
1951 – Lala Wanh – Bhatanta, East Punjab, India
1952 – Roberta Elder – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
1952 – Yvonne Fletcher – Newton, Australia
1952 – Marie Emilie Raymond – Galan, Hautes-Pyrénées, France
1953 – Eunice Brillhart – Eritrea (USA citizen)
1953 – Caroline Grills – Gladesville (Sydney), Australia
1953 – Josephine Ellen Molloy – Maryborough, Queensland, Australia
1953 – Yoke Ying – Bentong area of Pahang, Malaysia
1954 – Daisie “Nanny” Doss – Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
1954 – Winnie Ola Freeman (Winola Green) – Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
1954 – Piroska Jancsó Ladányi – Törökszentmiklós, Hungary
1954 – Teresa Gómez Rubio – Valencia, Spain
1954 – Christa Lehmann – Mainz, Germany
1954 – Elsie Rodgers – Burton-on-Kent, Statfordshire, England
1955 – Flora Maxine Barnett – Peru, Indiana, USA
1956 – Virginia B. Jaspers – New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1956 – Rhonda Bell Martin – Montgomery, Alabama, USA
1956 – H. B. Zarin – Riga, Latvia
1957 – Mary Perkins – Selma, Alabama, USA
1957 – Pilar Prades – Valencia, Spain
1957 – Mary Elizabeth Wilson – Jarrow-on-Tyne, England
1958 – Putli Bai – Chati, India
1958 – Anjette Donovan Lyles – Macon, Georgia, USA 
1958 – Line Schaeffer – Rotterdam, Netherlands
1960 – Marie Fikackova – Susice, Czechoslovakia
1960 – Erzabet Papp Holhos – Moldles, Hungary
1961 – “Indianapolis Babysitter” – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1961 – Mary Madigan – Dubuque, Iowa, USA
1961 – Donna Marie Stone – Belleville, Illinois, USA
1962 – Ekaterini Dimetrea (Aikaterini Dimitrea) – Naupilon, Greece
1962 – Sienna Engelbrecht – Cape Town, South Africa
1962 – Effie Norris – Orlando, Florida, USA
1962 – Bessie Fouse Toups – Berwick, Louisiana, USA
1963 – Virginia Hill – Falmouth, Kentucky, USA
1963 – Magdalena Solis – Villagran, Mexico
1963 – Mairiya Zikabuma – Blantyre, Nyasaland (Malawi)
1964 – Sanette Balmir – Jérémie, Haiti
1964 – Carmen Gonzalez Valenzuela – San Francisco del Rincón, Mexico
1964 – Delfina Gonzalez Valenzuela – San Francisco del Rincón, Mexico
1964 – Maria de Jesus Gonzalez Valenzuela – San Francisco del Rincón, Mexico
1964 – Luisa Gonzalez Valenzuela – San Francisco del Rincón, Mexico
1964 – Sharon Kinne – Independence, Missouri, USA
1965 – Hazel Dulcie Bodsworth – Hopetwn, Victortia, Australia
1965 – Myra Hindley – Hattersley, England
1966 – Piedad Martínez del Águila – Murcia, Spain
1966 – Margo Freshwater – Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, USA
1967 – Pearl Choate – Dallas, Texas, USA
1967 – Janie Lou Gibbs – Cordele, Georgia, USA
1967 – Bessie Reese – Arcadia, Florida, USA
1968 – Mary Bell – Scottswood, England
1969 – Susan Atkins – Los Angeles, California, USA
1969 – Yvette Lelievre – Saint-Pierre-les-Nemours, France
1969 – Gloria Tannenbaum – Boulder, Colorado, USA
1969 – Martha L. Woods – Aberdeen, Maryland, USA
1969 – Barbara Wilkinson – Wahroonga, Australia
1970s – Linda Taylor – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1970 – Marie-Antoinette Thien – Gigny, Essone, France
1971 – Madame Max Adolphe (Rosalie Bosquet) – Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1971 – Eliana Goldberg Fuentes – Chile
1971 – Evelyn Miller – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1971 – Valerie Ridyard – Bolton (Greater Manchester), England
1972 – Carolyn Elizabeth McCrary & Ginger McCrary Taylor – Athens, Texas, USA
1973 – Margaret Bushell – Downham Market, Norfolk, England
1974 – Carol Campbell – Santa Cruz, California, USA
1974 – Jeanette van Neesen – Hoorn, Netherlands
1975 – Mrs. Emily Stone Conyers – Pamplico, South Carolina, USA
1975 – Betty Jakim – Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
1975 – Doretta Kirksey – Akron, Ohio, USA
1976 – Patricia Allanson – Zebulon, Georgia, USA
1976 – Jiang Qing (Madame Mao) – China
1978 – Velma Barfield – Lumberton, North Carolina, USA
1978 – Cecile Bombeek – Wetteren, East Flanders, Belgium
1978 – Patricia Gregg – DeKalb County, Georgia, USA
1978 – Margarita Herlein – Buenos Aries, Argentina
1978 – Mary Rose Robaczynski – Baltimore, Maryland, USA
1979 – Yiya Murano (Bernardina Maria de las Mercedes Aponte Bolla) – Murano, Argentina
1979 – Audrey Marie Hilley – Anniston, Alabama, USA
1979 – Laverne O’Bryan – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1980s-90s – Disabled Veteran-Targeting Black Widow – New York, New York, USA
1980 – Carol M. Bundy – Los Angeles, California, USA
1980 – Charlene Gallego – Sacramento, California, USA
1980 – Helen Patricia Moore – Fullwood Place, Claymore, Australia
1980 – Robin Murphy –Fall River, Massachusetts, USA
1980 – Stella Williamson – Gallitzin, Pennsylvania, USA
1980 – Blanche Wright – New York, New York, USA
1982 – Shirley Elizabeth Allen (Goude) – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1982 – Christine Falling – Blountstown, Lakeland, Florida, USA
1982 – Genene Ann Jones – Kerrville, Texas, USA
1982 – Brigitte Mohnhaupt – Germany
1982 – Bessie M. Pierson – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
1982 – Judith Neelley – Fort Payne, Alabama, USA
1983 – Judias Welty Buenonano – Orlando, Florida, USA
1983 – Suzan Barnes Carson – San Francisco, California, USA
1983 – Rolande Leymarie – Saint-Bonnet-la-Rivière, Corrèze, France
1983 – Dorothy Matajke – Idaho & Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
1983 – Charmaine Phillips – Durban, South Africa
1983 – Maria Velten – Refeld, Germany
1984 – Emily Lynette Kirby Bell – Alexandria, Louisiana, USA
1984 – Debra Denise Brown – Indiana & Ohio, USA
1984 – Betty Jo Green – Athens, Georgia, USA
1984 – Debra Sue Tuggle – Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
1984 – Lise Jane Turner – Christchurch, New Zealand
1985 – Betty Lou Beets – Henderson County, Texas, USA
1985 – Griselda Blanco – Miami, Florida, USA
1985 – Sandra Bridewell – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
1985 – Susie Sharp Newsom Lynch – Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
1985 – Ruby Carolyn Padgett – South Carolina & California, USA
1985 – Medina Sakirova – Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia (Soviet Union)
1985 – Bobbie Sue Terrell – St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
1985 – Rosemary West – Gloucester, England
1985 – Yan Shuxia – Shaanxi, China
1986 – Catherine Birnie – Willagee, WA, Australia
1986 – Cynthia Coffman – San Bernardino, California, USA
1986 – Ann Green – New York, New York, USA
1986 – Marybeth Tinning – Schenectady, New York, USA
1986 – Sandra Pankow – Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
1986 – Idoia López Riaño (Idoia Lopez Riano) – Guipúzcoa, Spain
1987 – Debbie Fornuto (Deborah Gedzius) – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1987 – Rosita Garnier – Blois, Loir-et-Cher dept., Centre-Val de Loire, France
1987 – Anne Gates – Arabi, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, USA
1987 – Tamara Ivanyutina – Kiev, Ukraine (Soviet Union)
1987 – Chen Kao Lien-yen – Fan Liao, Taiwan
1987 – Eugenia "Sweetlove" Moore – Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1987 – Terri Rachals – Albany, Georgia, USA
1988 – Sylvie Coulon – Limoges, France
1988 – Kim Sun-ja – Seoul, South Korea
1988 – Myriam Marlein – Ostend, Belgium
1988 – Dorothea Puente – Sacramento, California, USA
1989 – Sara Maria Aldrete – Matamoros, Mexico
1989 – Marie-Françoise Buisson – Limoges, France
1989 – Faye Della Copeland – Mooresville, Missouri, USA
1989 – Tammy Corbett – Brighton, Illinois, USA
1989 – Gwendolyn Graham & Cathy Wood – Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
1989 – Maria Gruber – Vienna, Austria
1989 – Martha Ann Johnson – Clayton County, Georgia, USA
1989 – Irene Leidolf – Vienna, Austria
1989 – Stephanija Meyer – Vienna, Austria
1989 – Blanche Taylor Moore – Alamance City, North Carolina, USA
1989 – Geraldine Parrish – Baltimore, Maryland, USA
1989 – Maria Teresa Quintana – Matamoros, Mexico
1989 – Michaela Roeder – Wuppertal, Germany
1989 – Amy Lynn Scott – Phoenix, Arizona, USA
1989 – Waltraud Wagner – Vienna, Austria
1989 – Dorothy Williams – Chicago, Illinois, USA
1990s – “Southern Serial Killer Stripper” – USA
1990 – Diana Lumbrera – Garden City, Kansas, USA
1990 – Rodika Negroiu – Maxeville, France
1990 – Diane Spencer – Wayland, Michigan, USA
1991 – Beverly Allitt – Grantham, England
1991 – Shavonda Charleston – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1991 – Winnie Mandela-Mandikizela – Soweto, South Africa
1991 – Marianne Noelle (Nölle) – Cologne, Germany
1991 – Anna Maria Ruiz Villeda – Matamoros, Mexico
1991 – Aileen Carol Wuornos – Port Orange, Florida, USA
1992 – Celeste Carrington – East Palo Alto, California, USA
1992 – Sylvia Ipock-White – Kinston, North Carolina, USA
1992 – Martina Johnson – Monrovia, Liberia
1993  Kazuko Hatayama – Honjo, Japan
1993 – Karla Homolka – St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
1993 – Gail Savage – Waukegan, Illinois, USA
1994 – Aleata Beach – Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA
1994 – Gail Cutro – Irmo, South Carolina, USA
1994  Dana Sue Gray – Wildomar, California, USA
1994 – Angeline Mukandutiye – Rwanda
1994 – Pauline Nyiramasuhuko – Rwanda 
1994 – Ruby Singh – Bhind District, Madhya Pradesh, India
1995 – Theresa Knorr – Sacramento, California, USA 
1995 – Sachiko Eto – Sukakawa, Fukushima, prefecture, Japan 
1995 – Debora Green – Kansas City, Kansas, USA 
1995 – Claudette Kibble – Houston, Texas, USA 
1995 – Filita Mashilipa – Zambia 
1995 – Ma Yanhong – Heilongjiang province, China
1995 – Miyko Mikami – Kashiwa, Japan 
1995 – Maxine Robinson – Ouston, County Durham, England
1995 – Elizabeth Shanklin – Buffalo, Indiana, USA
1995 – Tene-Bimbo Clan – San Francisco, California, USA
1996 – Astini (aka Bu Lakri) – Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
1996 – Elfriede Blauensteiner – Vienna, Austria
1996 – Anjanabai Gavit – Pune, Maharashtra, India
1996 – Seema Mohan Gavit – Pune, Maharashtra, India
1996 – Kristen Gilbert – Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
1996 – Waneta Hoyt – Newark Valley, New York, USA
1996 – "Martha U" – Delfzijl, Netherlands
1996 – Michelle Martin – Marcinelle, Belgium
1996 – Renuka Kiran Shinde – Pune, Maharashtra, India
1996 – Lyudmila Spesivtseva – Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia
1997 – Denise Dianna Buchanan – Sun City, Washoe County, Nevada, USA
1997 – Kimberly LaGayle McCarthy – Dallas, Texas, USA
1997 – Agnes Pandy – Brussels, Belgium
1997 – “Nacera Zouabri” – Larbaa, Algeria
1998 – Susan Ibrahim – Jordan
1998 – Sante Kimes – Bahamas, Los Angeles, New York, USA
1998 – María Concepción Ladino Gutiérrez – Bogota, Colombia
1998 – Christine Malevre – Mantes-La-Jolie, France
1998 – Alma Cleotilde Grand Perez – Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1998 – Cynthia Phillips – Eads, Colorado, USA
1998 – “PK” – Switzerland
1998 – Virginia Rearden McGinnis – Chula Vista, California, USA
1998 – Valentina Aleksandrova – Polikraishte, Veliko Tarnovo Province, Bulgaria
1999 – Darcie Jo Baum – Orem, Utah, USA
1999 – Laurene Dye – Vancouver, B. C., Canada
1999 – "Kwazulu-Natal S. Africa Serial Killer" – Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
1999 – Cheryl May – Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
1999 – Marie Noe – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1999 – Dao Ruiying – Shangqui Henan Province, China
1999 – Lao Rongzi – Jiangxi, China
1999 – Antje Krűger (Krueger), ("Antje Sch.") – Mühltroff, Germany
2000 – Priscila Souza Ferreira – Victoria da Conquista, Brazil
2000 – Dawn Susann Godman – Martinez, California, USA
2000 – Alison Johnson – Rossington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England
2000 – Credonia Mwerinde – Kunungu, Uganda
2000 – Seema Parihar – Uttar Pradesh, India
2001 – Oaine Errazqun Galdos – Barcelona, Spain
2001 – Josephine Gray – Rockville, Maryland, USA
2001 – Jummai Hassan – Maiduguri, Nigeria
2001 – Li Huijie & Tian Xueqin – Henan Province, China
2001 – Maria Licciardi – Naples, Italy
2001 – Susan MacLeod – Glasgow, Scotland
2001 – Kathleen McCluskey – Cambridge, England
2001 – Anne Nicolai – Waterford township, Michigan, USA
2001 – Brookey Lee West – Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
2002 – Timea Faludi – Budapest, Hungary
2002 – Gloria Jean Greenfield – Warren, Ohio, USA
2002 – Ann Grigg-Booth – Keighley, West Yorkshire, England
2002 – Vickie Dawn Jackson – San Angelo, Texas, USA
2002 – Junko Ogata – Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
2002 – Maria Alkeksandrova Petrova – Zyuzino District, Moscow, Russia
2002 – Barbara Salisbury – Crewe, Cheshire, England
2002 – “Toda Serial Killer Mother” – Toda, Japan
2002 – “Zhytomyr Cannibal Female Serial Killer” – Zhtomyr, Ukraine
2003 – Valentina de Andrade – Altamina, Brazil
2003 – Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong – Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
2003 – Christine Feudé – Tinténiac, Ille-et-Villaine, France
2003 – Jaroslava Fabianova – Decin, Czech Republic
2003 – Kathleen Folbigg – Mayfield, Australia
2003 – Lorenza Antonia Giampietro – Cordoba, Argentina
2003 – Jolanta K. – Czerniejow, Poland
2003 – Michelle Knotek – Raymond, Washington, USA
2003 – Raynella Dossett Leath – Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
2003 – Diane Odell – Rome, Pennsylvania & New York, USA
2003 – Monique Olivier – Ardennes region, France
2003 – Janet Smith – Largo, Florida & Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
2003 – Dana Stodolova – Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
2003 – Coleen Thompson – Rockville, Maryland, USA
2003 – Duan Zhiqun – Shenzhen, China
2004 – Francisca Ballesteros – Mellilla, Spain
2004 – Francine Brunfaut – Brussels, Belgium
2004 – Sonia Caleffi – Como, Italy
2004 – Peggy Couse – Marion, Indiana, USA
2004 – Angel Ford-Wright – Chicago, Illinois, USA
2004 – Kusuma Nain – Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, India
2004 – Caroline Peoples – Chicago, Illinois, USA
2004 – Le Thanh Van – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2005 – Doris B. – Straubing, Germany
2005 – Wang Fang – Minquan County, Henan Province, China
2005 – Michaela G. – Wachtberg-Berkum, Germany
2005 – Shirin Gul – Kabul & Jalalabad, Afghanistan
2005 – Sabine Hilschenz – Frankurt an der Oder, Germany
2006 – Gertraud Arzberger – Graz, Austria
2006 – Juana Barraza – Mexico City, Mexico
2006 – Barbara Ann Evans – Statesville, North Carolina, USA
2006 – Sheila LaBarre – Epping, New Hampshire, USA
2006 – Chizuko Okamoto – Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
2006 – Marinette Pezin – Contres, Loir-et-Cher, France
2006 – Remedios Sanchez Sanchez – Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
2006 – Zhang Zongqin – Fuling District, Chongqing, China
2007 – Rachel Baker – Butleigh, Somerset, England
2007 – Irene Becker – Berlin, Germany
2007 – Stacey Castor – Clay, New York, USA
2007 – Susan F. – Plauen, Germany
2007 – Margarita García Méndez – Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, Mexico
2007 – Monika Halbe – Wenden-Möllmicke, Germany
2007 – Shauntay Henderson – Kansas City, Missouri, USA
2007 – K. D. Kempamma – Bangladore, India
2007 – Lydia L. – Goettingen, Germany
2007 – Virginie Labrosse – Albertville, Savoie, France
2007 – Celine Lesage – Valognes, France
2007 – Françoise Navez – Loverval, Gerpinnes, Belgium
2007 – Antonie Stašková (Staskova) – Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
2007 – Shirley Winters – New York state, USA
2008 – Babita – Tigra Village, Gurgaon, India
2008 – Manuela Gonzalez Cano – Villard-Bonnot, Isere region, France
2008 – Ulisa Mary Chavers – Amerlia, Virginia, USA
2008 – Helen Golay – Santa Monica, California, USA
2008 – Betty Neumar – Augusta, Georgia, USA
2008 – Olga Rutterschmidt – Santa Monica, California, USA
2008 – Kimberly Clark Saenz (aka: K. C. Fowler) – Lufkin, Texas, USA
2008 – Cornelia V. – Tuttlingen, Germany
2008 – Lian Shangying – Tamushi Township, Taipei County, Taiwan
2008 – Dong Xiaorong – Tamushi Township, Taipei County, Taiwan
2009 – Veronique Courjault – Tours, France
2009 – Harsimrat “Simmi” Kahlon – Calgary, Canada
2009 – Kanae Kijima – Tokyo, Japan
2009 – Rachel Lynette New – Tarrant County, Texas, USA
2009 – Aino Nykopp-Koski  Helsinki, Finland
2009 – Venera Nabozar Obolashvili – Tbilisi, Georgia
2009 – “Ota Ward Tokyo Serial Killer Mother” – Ota Ward, Tokyo, Japan
2009 – Mahin Qadiri – Qazvin, Iran
2009 – Karina Rybalkina – Siberia (Russia)
2009 – “Sao Paulo Girl” – São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
2009 – Miyuki Ueta – Tottori Prefecture, Japan
2009 – Lin Yuru – Nantou County, Taiwan
2010 – Meredith Katharine Borowiec – Calgary, Canada
2010 – Dominique Cottrez – Villers-au-Tertre, France
2010 – Irina Gaidamachuk – Yekaterinberg, Russia
2010 – Anita C. – Geleen, Limburg Province, Netherlands
2010 – Michele Kalina – Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
2010 – Sietske Hoekstra – Nij Beets, Friesland, Netherlands
2010 – Laura Michelle Reese – Bocas del Toro, Panama
2010 – Cristina Soledad Sánchez Esquivel – Nuevo Garcia Leon, Mexico
2010 – Elizabeth Wambui – Kiambu, Kenya
2011 – Sandra Nataly Giraldo – Medellin, Colombia
2011 – Holly Grigsby – Eureka, California, USA
2011 – Santokben Jadeja - Porbandar, Gujarat State, India
2011 – “La Perris” – Medellin, Colombia
2011 – Verónica Mireya Moreno Carreon – San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico
2011 – Nancy Manriquez Quintanar – Ecatepec, Mexico
2011 – Yadira Narváez Marin – Florencia, Colombia
2011 – Emilsen Yulima Nataly Rojas – Medellin, Colombia
2011 – Carolina Rueda Martinez – Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico
2011 – Beate Zschäpe – Munich, Germany
2012 – Carel June Cody – Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
2012 – Ana Karen Cuevas Pérez – Hidalgo, Mexico
2012 – Melissa Friedrich (Weeks) – Pinellas Park, Florida, USA & Canada
2012 – Annika H. – Husum, Germany
2012 – “Indonesian Cannibal Female Serial Killer” – Indonesia (discredited, hoax)
2012 – Maria Guadalupe Jimenez Lopez – Monterrey, Mexico
2012 – Silvia Meraz – Nacozari, Sonora state, Mexico
2012 – Pamela Moss – Bibb Cty. & Jones Cty. Georgia, USA
2012 – Bruna Oliveira da Silva & Isabel Cristina Pires – Garahuns, Brazil
2012 – Simrin Sood (Seema Surendarnath Dosanz) – Mumbai, India
2012 – Miyoko Sumida – Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, Japan
2012 – Dr. Hsiu-Ying ‘Lisa’ Tseng – Rowland Heights, California, USA
2012 – Veeramma – Rajendra Nagar, Delhi, India
2012 – Beata Z. – Hipolitowo, Poland
2013 – Audrey C. – Ain, France
2013 – Esneda Ruiz Cataño – Ebéjico, Antioquia, Colombia
2013 – Ludivine Chambet – Chambéry (Savoie), France
2013 – Lucyna D. – Lubawa, Poland
2013 – Patricia Dagorn – Fréjus, France
2013 – Joanna Dennehy – Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England
2013 – Dr. Virginia Helena Soares de Souza – Curitiba, Brazil
2013 – Chiemi Tonuma – Ota Ward, Japan
2013 – Samantha Lewthwaite – Kenya (England)
2013 – Emma Raine – Poplar, Louisiana, USA
2013 – Diane & Rachel Staudte – Springfield, Missouri, USA
2013 – Anastasia Sinelnik – Stavropol, Russia
2013 – Inessa Tarverdiyeva – Stavropol, Russia
2013 – Victoria Tarverdiyeva – Stavropol, Russia
2014 – Gakirah Barnes – Chicago, Illinois, USA
2014 – Andrea Giesbrecht – Winnipeg, Canada
2014 – Megan Huntsman – Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
2014 – Chisako Kakehi – Kyoto, Japan
2014 – Marixa Lemus – Pasaco, Jutiapa, Guatemala
2014 – Evelyn López García – Mexico City, Mexico
2014 – Angeline Mabhiza – Nago 1 Village Zimuto, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe
2014 – Mónica Belén Martínez Morales – Mexico City, Mexico
2014 – Věra Marešová – Rumburk, Czech Republic (conviction overturned)
2014 – Erika Murray – Blackstone, Massachusetts, USA
2014 – Claudia Ochoa Felix – Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico
2014 – Yesenia Pacheco Ramirez – Navolato, Sinaloa, Mexico
2014 – Daniela Poggiali – Lugo, Italy
2014 – "Grandma Reed" – New York, N. Y., USA
2014 – Marli Teles de Souza – Cacador, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
2014 – Kaisa Vornanen-Karadumanille – Oulu, Finland
2014 – Vlasatice Serial Baby-Killing Mom” – Vlasatice, Czech Republic
2015 – Anna Dusikova – Břeclavsko, Dolni Dunajovice, Czech Republic
2015 – Melissa Margarita Calderón Ojeda – Bellavista, Baja California Sur, Mexico
2015 – Andrea Göppner (Goeppner) – Wallenfels, Bavaria, Germany
2015 – Christina Hansen - Nykobing Falsster, Denmark
2015 – Elena Lobacheva – Moscow, Russia
2015 – Ramona Hernandez-Canete – Louchats, Gironde, France
2015 – Esther Acosta Cuba – Buenos Aires, Argentina & San Lorenzo, Paraguay
2015 – Itzel Nayeli Garcia Montano – Chimalhuacan, Mexico
2015 – Joselyn Alejandra Nino (Niño) – Lauro Villar, Matamoros, Mexico
2015 – Noh – Pocheon, Gyeonggi province, South Korea
2015 – Brittany Pilkington – Bellefontaine, Ohio, USA
2015 – Tamara Samsonova – St. Petersburg, Russia
2016 – Kelly Marie Cochran – Hobart, Indiana; Michigan, USA
2016 – Pamela Hupp – O'Fallon, Missouri, USA
2016 – Ayumi Kuboki – Yokohama, Japan
2016 – “Maria” (Filipino Hitwoman) – Manila, Philippines
2016 – Tuba S. – Giessen, Germany
2016 – Yuri Patricia Sanchez – Monteria, Cordoba prov., Colombia
2016 – Juana “La Peque Sicaria” – Baja California, Mexico
2016 – Cecilia Steyn – Krugersdorf, South Africa
2016 – Miranda Steyn – Krugersdorf, South Africa
2016 – Elizabeth Wettlaufer – Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
2017 – Natalia Baksheeva – Krasnodar, Russia (false reports; 1 murder only)
2017 – “Lorient Mother” – Lorient, Morbihan Dept., Brittany, France
2017 – Sebastine Mademo & Nelia Mushonga – Maseko, Epworth, Zimbabwe
2017 – Maria Nazaré Félix de Lima – Ielmo Marinho, Grande Natal, Brazil
2017 – Mary Rice – Alabama, Florida, USA
2017 – Maria Cicera dos Santos – Remansa, Bahia, Brazil
2017 – Anna Young – Micanopy, Alachua County, Florida
2017 – “Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac Mother” – Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Montreal, Canada
2018 – Mariam Abiola – Ilasamaja, Lagos, Nigeria
2018 – Patricia Martinez Bernal – Ecatepec, Mexico
2018 – Flor Cazarin Gonzalez – Chihuahua, Mexico
2018 – Lucy Letby – Chester, England
2018 – Reta Mays – Clarksburg, West Virginia, USA
2018 – Nancy Moronez – Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
2018 – Shannon Dawn Rayner  Charlottetown, Canada
2019 – Zholia Alemi – Fritzlar, Schwalm-Eder, Germany
2019 – Angelina Barini – Queens County, New York, New York, USA
2019 – Sylvie Horning – Petit-Landau, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France
2019 – Jolly Annan Joseph  Koodathayi, Kozhikodfe, Kerala, India
2019 – Kannammal  Senthipalayam, Tirupur district, Tamil Nadu state, India
2019 – Jackeline Lopez – Poniente, Mexico
2019 – "La Diabla of Medillin" – Medellin, Colombia
2019 – Brittany McMillan – Alabama; Tennessee; St. Louis, Missouri, USA
2019 – Jennifer Perez "La Chata" – Northeast Mexico
2019 – Jasiane Silva Teixeira – Biritban Mirim, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2019 – Sofya Mikhailovna Zhukova – Berezovka, Khabarovsk, Russia
2020  Lori Vallow Daybell  Rexburg, Idaho, USA (& Arizona)
2020 – Brisa del Mar – Palma Sola, Veracruz, Mexico
2020  Maria Guadalupe Lopez Esquivel – Aguililla, State of Michoachan, Mexico
2020  Monica Yadira Ruiz – Tijuana, Mexico
2022 – Roula Pispirigkou – Patras, Greece
2022 – Laila Singh – Elanthoor, Kerala, India

[Count as of November 12, 2022: 1,218]
[Unpublished cases: 2; March 28, 2022]


 Black Widows Who Murdered only 2 persons, both husbands 

(List – with links – of Black Widow Serial Killers including victim count of 2 or more)


1846 – Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh – Fulton, New York, USA
1847 – Mrs. Frey – Pennsylvania, USA
1851 – Mrs. Teasdale – Haltwhistle, Northumberland, England
1860 – Elna Olsdotter – Malmo County, Sweden
1865 – Carrie E. Holbrook Chandler – Mobile, Alabama
1865 – Marie Binet Soques – Longages, France
1868 – Nancy Lyman – Jordanville, Herkeimer Cty., New York
1874 – Mary Schell – East St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1878 – Florence Bravo - London Borough of Wandsworth, England
1878 – Mrs. Walroth – Big Springs, Nebraska, USA
1881 – “Broncho Lou” (Mrs. Yankers) – Southern Colorado, USA
1881 – Mrs. Pleasant – Ft. Laramie, Wyoming, USA
1881 – Mrs. Gossau – St. Gall, Switzerland
1884 – Anna Stutt – Elberfeld, Rhenish Prussia, Germany
1884 – Elizabeth Vanderhoof – Dayton, Ohio, USA
1884 – Nellie Grant – USA & South America
1888 – Martha Johnson – Stafford, Connecticut, USA
1889 – Josephine Carnahan Ramsey Artz – Aledo, Illinois, USA
1891 – Josie Fisher Hart – Oswego, Kansas, USA
1892 – Josefa Leitner – Pflaster, Urfahr Dist., Linz, Austria
1892 – Kate Painter – Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
1894 – Ann Miniver Davis – Melbourne, Australia
1895 – Mary E. Hughson – Fruitport, Michigan, USA
1896 – Queen Piea Waar – St. John's Islands (Hermit Islands), Oceania
1897 – Olive Sternaman – Cayuga, Ontario, Canada
1898 – Mrs. Camfield – Castaldo, Idaho, USA
1899 – Bertha Lankford – Houston, Texas, USA
1899 – Marie Nikodem – Jebel, Timis, Romania ("Hungary")
1899 – Jerinia Zsimcsa – Jebel, Timis, Romania ("Hungary")
1903 – Minnie Cummings – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1908 – Rose Marie Bobillier – Montigny-les-Vesoul, Haute-Saône Dept., France
1908  Alice Watford – Newport News, West Virginia, USA
1914 – “Beira Black Widow” – Beira, Mozambique
1921 – Eugenie Behas Pitiot – Mulhouse, France
1922  Gertrude Gustenberg Guerrieri  New Roichelle, New York, USA
1924 – Annora Yeoman – Mt. Gilead, Michigan, USA
1926 – Georgia Brown – Girard, Kansas, USA
1926 – Laura Christy – East Liverpool, Ohio, USA
1926 – Ora Lee Thacker – Hopkinsville, Kentucky, USA
1929 – Rosa Holybe – Szolnok, Hungary
1930 – Maria Joljart – Szolnok, Hungary
1931 – Johanna Schadenhofer – Mitterburg, Austria
1931 – Frau Virag – near Debreczen, Hungary
1932  Elizabeth Ziolkowski - L'Anse, Michigan, USA
1938 – Florence "Flossie" Hartman – Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, USA
1938 – Florence Peters – Madison, Wisconsin, USA
1941 – Lue Burns – East St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1941 – Concepcion Gonzalez – Phoenix, Arizona, USA
1950 – Bessie Lee Cunningham – Brewton, Alabama, USA
1952 – Alicia Roberts – Holyhead, Wales
1952 – Margie Zeglen – Texas, USA
1957 – Daisy Scott Lott – Columbia, South Carolina, USA
1960s – Margaret "Maggie" McDonald – Canada
1962 – Mae Ella Lee – San Antonio, Texas, USA
1964 – Irene Langhaus – Brooklyn, New York, USA
1966 – Maggie  Canada
1966 – Irena Cubirkova – Prague, Czechoslovakia
1975 – Kathy Tyree Viets Dean – Southern Pines, North Carolina, USA
1978 – Barbara Hoffman – Madison, Wisconsin, USA
1979 – Ada Wittenmyer – Dickson, Tennessee, USA
1982 – Pauline Rogers – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
1982 – Lois Thacker – Paoli, Indiana, USA
1986 – Terri Gilbert – Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
1987 – Anne Gates – Ariabi, Louisiana, USA
1987 – Mary Lou Martin – Holly Springs, Mississippi, USA
1988 – Hazel Allison – Clover, North Carolina, USA
1988 – Sandra Bridewell – Texas & Oklahoma, USA
1988 – Sharon Lynn Nelson (Harrelson) – Colorado, USA
1988 – Barbara Stager – Durham, North Carolina, USA
1990s – "Greenland Black Widow"  Greenland
1990 – Linda Calvey  East London, England
1992 – Frances Beasley Truesdale – South Carolina, USA
1993 – Jill Coit – Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA
1994 – Dena Thompson – Yapton, West Sussex, England
1995 – Mary Tene Steiner (Tene-Bimbo Clan) – San Francisco, USA
1996 – Della Dante Sutorius – Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
1999 – Carrie E. Allen – Richmond, Virginia, USA
1999 – Tammy Martin – Moulton, Alabama, USA
2000 – Yuko Takahashi – Fukoka, Japan
2001 – Linda Lou Charbonneau – Sussex County, Deleware, USA
2002 – Natthakan Anaman – Bankok, Thailand
2003 – Jamila Belkcem – Bourg-en-Bresse, l’Ain, France
2002 – Lynn Turner – Marietta, Georgia, USA
2005 – Uhm – Seoul, South Korea
2007 – Beatriz Perez – San Antonio, Texas, USA
2009 – Miriam Helmick – Whitewater, Florida, USA
2009 – Sonia Rios Risken – Lomita, California, USA
2011 – Goidsargi Estibaliz “Esti” Carranza – Vienna, Austria
2011 – Angelina O'Mara – Sauk Rapids, Minnesota; Ashland, Wisconsin, USA
2012 – Amy Herrera – Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
2012 – Catherine Symanowski – Red Level, USA
2013 – Coleen Ann Harris – Placerville, California, USA
2013 – Bogumila Wojtas – Vienna, Austria
2013 – Robyn Lindholm – Melbourne, Australia
2014 – Rebecca Barker – Liberty Cty, Cherokee Cty., Texas, USA
2014 – Pornchanok Chaiyapa – Samut Prakan, Thailand
2015 – Brenda Jacobs – New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
2016 – Meshell Hale – Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
2018 – Wane Benda – Bahia, Itabuna, Brazil

[Count as of October 9, 2020: 98]
[2 unpublished; October 9, 2020]





Regarding Wikipedia and the “rarity” claim:

The Wikipedia page titled “Serial killer” (accessed Jan. 20, 2014) states: “Female serial killers are rare compared to their male counterparts.”

The Wikipedia list page titled “Category: Female Serial Killers” (accessed Jan. 20, 2014) contains links to 54 total cases.


Female Serial Killers & Global Diversity

Countries from which female serial killers have been identified: Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Ashanti Kingdom (Ghana), Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bessarabia (Moldova), Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, South Sudan, Denmark, Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Egypt, England, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana (Ashanti Kingdom), Greece, Haiti, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Maldives, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nyasaland (Malawi), Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rome, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Singapore, South Sudan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam, Wales, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zimbamwe. [Regions: Caribbean (pirates), Swabia, West Prussia]

(Vronsky’s list includes cases from 18 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Rome, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland)


Regarding the differences between male serial killers and female serial killers:

Female sociopaths are no less depraved than their male counterparts. As a rule, however, brutal penetration is not what turns them on. Their excitement comes not from violating the bodies of strangers with phallic objects, but from a grotesque, sadistic travesty of intimacy and love: from spooning poisoned medicine into the mouth of a trusting patient, for example, or smothering a sleeping child in its bed. In short, from tenderly turning a friend, family member, or dependent into a corpse.

To be sure, there may be other motives mixed up with the sadism – monetary gain, for example. Indeed, certain female serial killers may never admit, even to themselves, the true nature or extent of the gratification they receive from their atrocities – a windfall of insurance money, for example, or a release from the burdens of motherhood – there is, at bottom, only one reason why a woman would, over the span of years, kill off the people closest to her, one by one, in ways that are guaranteed to make them undergo terrible suffering: because she gets pleasure from doing it.

[Harold Schechter, Fatal: The Poisonous Life of a Female Serial Killer, Pocket Books, 2003, p. xviii]


A notable new development in the development of the study of female violence is marked by the appearance of the 2011 article on female serial killers in the academic journal : Homicide Studies. Following the article abstract:

Amanda L. FarrellRobert D. Keppeland Victoria B. Titterington, “Lethal LadiesRevisiting What We Know About Female Serial Murderers,” Homicide StudiesAugust 2011vol. 153: pp. 228-252. Abstract: Serial murderers are rare offenders, and this, coupled with challenges to accessing data about them, poses a significant challenge to empirical investigation. It is also true that female serial murderers are thought to be rarer than their male counterparts and have often been excluded from being labeled “serial murderers” due to narrowly constructed definitions. Thus, female serial murderers are an even more elusive population to study. The results of this exploratory analysis, using newspaper articles to gather data about the crimes of a subset of 10 female serial murderers in the United States, suggest that not only are these women different from men who commit serial murder but also that the scant information published about these rare offenders may have underestimated the female serial murderer in terms of both offender and offense characteristics.


Aileen Wuornos: America's 275th Female Serial Killer




“Female serial killers … haven’t received anywhere near the same amount of attention from the media or from criminologists as males have. Even researchers on psychology have tended to focus on male populations. There’s a common erroneous assumption that because females are “nurturing,” they won’t be violent. But we’ve had female serial killers who have shot, stabbed, smothered (with her enormous weight), and even used chain saws and ice picks.” [D. P. Lyle, MD, “Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katherine Ramsland Talks About Serial Killers,” The Writer’s Forensics Blog, June 25, 2009]

